kay88 Member


  • Anyone who has a positive outlook is more than welcome to add me! I am at the very beginning of my journey and would love support and I love to give support!
  • I couldn't stand looking in the mirror. My clothes were tight. Then I stepped on the scale and saw 196. I was almost to two hundred and I just sat down and cried. I am down to 187, but I can't get consistent on working out and eating right. I'm a teacher and school just ended, so I told myself I was dedicating my summer to…
  • Alright, I'm just now looking at the boards and using everything on the site, so I will give this a try! SW- 196 CW- 186 GW- 181 UGW- 155 I'm so nervous about this! I've been doing REALLY badly the last few months and gained back seven pounds... so here's hoping this will push me to lost them again! Yell at me if I don't…