Workout meant going to the gym
Couldn't afford couples therapy
Axe and Skittles
Your capacity for good conversation is infinite!
Now that I am divorced, I hope so.
$37.42 and a gold-painted hubcap on a gong mount. I won a gong-show type contest in college with my magic act.
Asymmetrical and interesting
Frank Zappa
Insisted on safe poling.
too much catfish....
She must be really short with the camera looking down at her
fresh linens
I want you to keep posting.... (said every creepy old MFP'er ever)
@jenmar Dazzling!
Phone solicitors and door-to-door fundamentalists. I want to convince them of the error of their ways..... All i do is convince my wife I am a moron.....
the ability to commit to losing weight and stick with it every day, rather than drifting like a yo-yo with ADD
Creme brullee or a honkin' big chocolate Bismark
No I have not. 64,675 posts is intimidating. This is a person who can seriously chat!
to go home now. (sigh)
Knows how to use a transmogrifier
She's got beautiful skin
I have not had the pleasure
Perform at your birthday party
Got my flat tire repaired and they did it "No Charge!"
Two books: As You Wish by Cary Ewles and Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz
Chocolate covered raisins. I am a hypocrite. Stone me to death, now.
Imitating Darwin Awards in an attempt to prove they are bogus (but they are not).
Deja vu