

  • Hi 1963 here :) this is day 19 for me and I am struggling, I feel the same as you when it comes to just I am also in the 180's and just want to get down to between 150 to 160 where ever I feel comfortable. Two years I got down to 163 and was feeling fantastic then twisted my ankle stepping in a hole I did not see in the…
  • Hi Diane, I am new also 16 days today. I only have 5 friends and would like more. feel free to add me if you like. You are going to like it here :smile:
  • Good on you aspartame has terrible side effects. Decreased vision, headaches, migraine, Epileptic seizures, severe depression, irritability, phobias, severe PMS, hyperactivity in children. multiple sclerosis (MS) chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and birth defects, including mental retardation. In my opinion it is…
  • Hi I am new here and know just how you feel. I lost 23lbs in 2012 and now am up 20lbs. I decided to try MYP and have been here since Jan 1 this year. the support is great. Just talking to people with the same problems as me and knowing I am not alone is a good feeling. So if you want another friend add me and we can chat…
  • I am also on 1200 a day and new here. Id like to get ideas as well so people please add me :smile:
  • I had two scrambled eggs with 1/2 cup of Green Giant Valley Selections - Asian Blend-fibre mixed in after scrambling.( I like Franks red hot sauce so I poured a little on top) With a piece of Silver Hills sprouted grain bread toasted. The calories is 340 with the toast only 240 if I opt out of toast. I really like this…
  • This is like the easiest stew recipe ever and tastes very good. Gibson Stew Once you assemble everything in one pan in the oven, the whole afternoon is free. 2 lbs stewing meat cut up 1 onion chopped 6 celery sticks chopped 6 carrots sliced 1 small rutabaga peeled and cut up to 1 inch pieces 2 tsp salt ½ tsp pepper 1 Tblsp…
  • That's fantastic I haven't been brave enough to step on the scale yet :) I just started this on Jan 1 and am doing good so far I am 50 yrs for a few more months and have been struggling for years to keep the weight off. I lost 23 lbs in 2012 but 20 of that is back now. I find that it isn't as easy to loose now that I am…
  • Right now not much lol I made sure because I started MFP today to be clear of most everything that I always reach for. So I also am curious what people stock their kitchen pantry and fridge with. :smile: