

  • Sunday is perfect for me. I usually weigh check on the weekend.
  • Water, water, water! It has always been the key for me. I can send see my weight stand still if I don't have 8-10 cups a day. Then I walk about 30 min a day.
  • I got lucky and was able to feed the bad food to my boyfriend and kid. The German in me still had me nibbling on the pasta and other starches. Today I took the last of the potatoes,noodles and candy to my sister. I almost feel mean for doing it!
  • I like the idea of reporting in here! Recently renewing my desire to be slimmer and getting a new kindle for Christmas lead me to fitness. Journaling my habits has worked for me before so I'm hoping to be back on track using this. Here's my starting weigh in: Week 1: 193 Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5 Week 6: Goal weight:…