

  • Hi there, I have had some success with MFP in the past, but leveled off prior to reaching my goal, then had some pounds start creeping back on in the past few months. I am going to use the New Year boost to get me back on track, and am happy to buddy up with people looking for buddies and encouragement. :) Hope you have a…
  • Tylenol, one of the most commonly used OTC drugs in the US also causes liver damage. Still, most people wouldn't shy away from taking them as directed when it would help with a headache.
  • I have used it in the past with WW, and just started back on it again for a little extra boost a couple days ago. I know many people joke about the "treatment effects" (which is what they call it in the alli information pamphlet), but I honestly have not had any side effects unless I go WAY overboard and eat a whole large…