New and looking for MFP friends for motivation

Hello there,

My sister joined this site 5 months ago and has steadily lost 28 pounds. I used to be a size 12 4 years ago and which each year, a sneaky stone found its way onto me. I'm now a 16-18 and looking to get the old me back, the happy and healthy way.

It's going to be a long tough year so looking for MFP friends to support and encourage.



  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    This site is the greatest! Feel free to add me -- I'll be around for a long time to come.
  • I'm new to this site...although obviously the strict diet won't be coming in till after 2mrow nyt :P

    Feel free to add me....

    Happy new year everyone!
  • dsett
    dsett Posts: 66 Member
    I'm getting back to using MFP feel free to add me!
  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    I would be happy to walk with you on your journey
  • PK95
    PK95 Posts: 21
    Feel free to add me as well!!!
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome! This place is wonderful. Request sent. Anyone feel free to add me as well.
  • Hi there, I have had some success with MFP in the past, but leveled off prior to reaching my goal, then had some pounds start creeping back on in the past few months. I am going to use the New Year boost to get me back on track, and am happy to buddy up with people looking for buddies and encouragement. :)

    Hope you have a happy new year!
  • feel free to add me
  • charlotte_faulk
    charlotte_faulk Posts: 4 Member
    Add me too!! I used this a lot when I used to work out a lot. I'm ready to get back to ring healthy and fit and some friends along the way would be awesome!
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I've just joined too. you can add me :)