

  • Bump - gotta try this!
  • I agree with those posting before me. Try a 'gentler' class like vinyasa or hatha and get more accustomed to the poses before moving into bikram. I have not practiced bikram before but have taken several 90 minute vinyasa classes in the heat. It is tough and I am, too, a beginner. One of the biggest probems I had was…
    in Yoga Comment by dstikeleather June 2011
  • Hi - can't answer the questions bout the difference, but I do have the Active 2 and love it. It is very motivating for me and I find myself pushing harder than I probaby would if I were just exercising alone. It really feels almost like you are playing a game rather than exercising which makes it more enticing to do the…
  • I have been practicing yoga for about two months now - and yes, I have definitely seen more definition and tone in my arms, abs, and legs. I am addicted now and feel so great after working out. I hope you continue to go and enjoy.
  • I started practicing hot yoga a couple of weeks ago and I love it too! I feel so refreshed after the class - although, I have to admit - there are times during the class where I am thinking 'I can't do this - it's too hot, I am too tired..." etc. However, after I push through that and get through the rest of the class, I…
  • Thanks for sharing! I am going to check it out.
  • Wow, this sounds really good. I'll have to try it. Thanks!
  • Thanks so much for posting this. You are truly an inspiration! You are proof that once we set our minds to do something, we are a force to be reckoned with! You look great! Thanks for sharing your inspiring journey.
  • That is a milestone! I am proud of you. I kicked the habit (for the most part lol) about 5 months ago. I will occasionally have one - maybe average about two per month. I tell you - I was addicted! I used to drink at least 4-5 a day. I know how hard it is to give them up - so kudos to you!
  • Thanks very much to you all for the valuable advice. I am definitely going to try it and keep in mind the tips and information that you shared. I have been to a couple of classes and felt pretty awkward because I cannot do many of the poses, but the teachers have been great and encouraging. I definitely think that I will…
    in Yoga Comment by dstikeleather May 2011
  • BUMP!! Thanks!
  • Again, I echo the sentiments of those posting before me. Incredible job that you both are doing and you are seeing results from it as well. You stated that you had tried other progams only to fail, but I know that you guys will do it this time. Want to know how I know? Because you have the right motivation - you are doing…
  • bump - I need ideas too!
  • bump! thanks for posting!
  • Hi - I use the Wii with EA Sports Active 2. It has an arm band that track your heart rate and a band that you place on your right leg. I have used it for about a month now and really like it. As far as results go, I have not measured or anything to judge results that way, but I can tell you that the exercises are fun and…
  • Sounds awesome - will definitely be giving this a try! Thanks for sharing!
  • Hi - I definitely would like to join in - if it is not too late. My Monday weigh-in was 210. Thanks!