27.2 pounds gone in 6 weeks, how I did it!



  • JennyG73
    JennyG73 Posts: 31 Member
    Congratulations! That was a great post and I am sure many will benefit from it. It is hard to comprehend that eating more will actually help the weight come off, but it's true! Keep up the great work!
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    The Power 90 is great. just to be clear it is not the P90X two diffrent things! Anyone can do the Power 90, they show you how to modify teh exercises if you need to. I had to start on my knees for the push-up, and my legs under me for dips. Doing both fully extended after just 3 weeks! I will say I picked up a set of adjustable dumbells from Wal-Mart for $120 each set for my wife and I to just make it easier to change the level of weight between various strength training exercises. You don't have to do taht but it is nice and takes your mind off of equipment while working out. teh Level I and II workouts are no more tahn 38 minutes each including warm up and cool down. I recommend it to anyone, and its cheaper than just two months at most gyms.
  • Fantastic job!!

    It is a fact that sticking to a plan, a regimen and discipline is going to net you the kind of results you've achieved. My only recommendation would be to consider (down the road, not now while you're dong so well) relying less on some of the expensive supplements and maintaining your weight using more day-to-day foods, etc.

    BTW - your risk of diabetes and heart related illness is going to drop like a rock as your energy goes up. Keep everyone posted. It's very motivating!
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    Awsome!!! Thank you for the tips. Good luck on your journey.
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks so much for posting!! I really needed the encouragement today. Can you tell me a little more about how you track your weight and calories daily, and then what decisions you are making based on what you found?
  • You guys should definitely be proud of yourselves and what you have accomplished in such a short period of time! Not just the weight loss, but the lifestyle change of eating right and getting physical!! Thanks for posting!
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    I agree about the supplements vs diet. Down the road we will switch. The thing about supplements is when most of us have had such a poor diet for soooooo long we are very vitamin deficient! It takes months to get our bodies nutrition levels in balance, add to that a reduced calorie diet to lose weight (We are not maintaining), and strenuous workouts, and the need for more vitamins then we can take in through food is real. On a maintenance program for a healthy life style a simple multi-vitamin is fine.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    Great Job. I hope you're taking pictures-- you will go far and a picture says a 1000 words.
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    We track simply on Myfitnesspal.com. The changes are not daily as your weight will fluctuate daily. But you see trends I go a week and only loose net 1 pound I need to examine where I am. For example that happened one week where my net calories were about 1300-1400. I also noticed I had no energy for my workouts. No energy + no weight lose means I need more fuel, a.k.a Food! There is no secret ratio, listen to your body, how do you feel? Plus don’t forget when you add strength training you build muscle which is awesomely good weight gain. Muscle burns more calories just sitting still! So your weight gain could be from muscle gain. I mean I’m fine with 17 inch arms, they just need to be muscle not flab!
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    We are taking pics. But as i said this whole thing is a secret from our family so we vowed no new pics of us anywhere on teh net until then. We are actually writing a blog to which will be revealed at Thanksgiving!
  • MaryS910
    MaryS910 Posts: 348 Member
    Congratulations to you both! Just curious, how old are y'all and is this the first time you've tried to lose weight?
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    I'm 33, my wife is 31. no we have lost and gained it back doing fad diets, even weight watchers didn't work, cooking specfic meal and converting to points is jsut too time cinsuming for our life style. at my best weight i weighed 245 when I was a cop and 22. It was hard to keep that weight becasue i didn't change teh way I viewed eating and exercise.
  • Wow!!! Fantastic blog!! I am going to start doing what your doing, Thanks so much for posting this!!!!!!!!!!
  • landonr
    landonr Posts: 1
    Great job. I started 6 weeks ago at 316 and I have lost 18 LBS in 6 weeks I am at 298 now. I like the part of your blog about working out a little hungry to burn more fat and going to bed a little hungry to burn more fat. I am going to try this and see what happens. Thanks.
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 471 Member
    I really enjoyed reading your post. That is a gr8 accomplishment and hope things continue to go good for u and your wife:)
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    I want to thank everyone for the positive comments. It shows that we all struggle with the same issues. The longer I go down this road the more I realize this is psychological more than anything else. One thing I did not touch on is the fact that I am doing this for my wife and family as much as I am for me. I owe it to them to be the healthiest I can be. It is a gift only I can ever give them. My wife feels the same way. Some of you have messaged me, and some commented on here that you have families and that eating healthy is hard because they don’t really care to follow suit. I understand that. Luckily it is just my wife and I in it together, no kids. But put your mind right. You are getting healthy for your family right? I mean you want your kids to see a healthy example of positive change, how to live their lives, and you want to be there for them. Ask yourself this if you are still struggling, “Do I want my kids to have to take care of me when I’m 50 or 60 because I had a stroke or heart attack?” I don’t mean to use scare tactics, but it is a real concern. My parents are not very healthy; I now live 1,100 miles away from them. I worry when the even get a cold because their overall poor health makes it very hard for them to recover. They also smoke. I remember when my mom started coughing up blood and had to go to the ER. We all thought she had cancer, luckily she didn’t, just bronchitis. She didn’t even notice the bronchitis because her breathing is so labored anyways from no physical conditioning and smoking! She was scared, but she hasn’t quit smoking. Speaking as a child, I don’t like that and wish I didn’t have to worry that way. Don’t do that to your kids!

    Also there are some guys out there that are my size or larger. I know it’s hard, but suck it up! =) Hit the weights, build some strength and you will start feeling like a guy again. Remember when you were in high school? Gym, the coach yelling at you to get that last rep in on the bench press? Get your focus right. Building muscle aids in the production of testosterone; which will do a lot for you to feel better. More energy, better sleep, better libido, it all comes back pretty quick. Trust me after only 5 weeks and 27 pounds I feel great. I still have a ways to go, but I FEELGREAT! Put on the game face, and do it.
  • Again, I echo the sentiments of those posting before me. Incredible job that you both are doing and you are seeing results from it as well. You stated that you had tried other progams only to fail, but I know that you guys will do it this time. Want to know how I know? Because you have the right motivation - you are doing it for yourselves and as a gift of a healthier you to your family.

    Thanks for sharing your journey. It is very motivating and helpful.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member

    First of all, congratulations to both you and your wife!!! Doing this together has to make it easier, because you don't DIEt, you change your LIFEstyle.

    I think the surprise for your families is awesome :wink: Last summer, my next-oldest brother told a cousin that when he first saw me after I had lost most of my weight, he didn't even recognize me until I began talking. This also happened with a former student of mine.

    Don't be worried if your weight loss slows on down the road. It seems to be easier to lose weight more quickly when you first begin. Just remember you are incorporating these changes into your LIFEstyle. And don't be afraid to "enjoy" meals from time to time when you don't think about every bite you take. Just remember to keep exercising, and get back on track with your meals the next day. You didn't become overweight with one "bad" meal......and since this is a LIFEstyle, you have to live with the changes you are making.

    Good luck on the rest of your journey. Can't wait until you are able to post pictures!
  • debdene
    debdene Posts: 40 Member
    This is my first post, I just had to say WELL DONE!! thank you you have inspired me, I only stumbled across MFP a week ago on my ipod and yesterday on my pc, I will very much look forward to reading about both of your progress as you go along

    Debs x
  • mommy87
    mommy87 Posts: 1
    Sounds great keep up the good work
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