prgirl39mfp Member


  • @balhoff congratulations! Well done! @77tes fantastic walk! Good for you! @texasgardnr Way to go! Fantastic workout! I did Yard work this Monday for 3 hrs. It was quite the burn!
  • Bravo @texasgardnr Great read by the way! Thanks I am now reading Mithc Albom's Finding Chika. His books make me cry, they are so inspiring and touching. I love them. June is almost over and I found this month to be very trying in terms of my emotional eating. The course really helps me in terms of getting in touch with my…
  • June 7= I was active here at home since it was raining all day due to the Tropical Storm Cristobal. I did laundry, clean the floors and spent some time in my porch. June 8= wrote a thank you post card to the hospital nurses that took care of me while I was hospitalized in January. June 9= I love music. I watched some old…
  • I get a bunch of free books for my Kindle on Book Bub. Started reading before bed instead of being on my phone and it has been great and it helps with my sleep. I am so happy. I am currently reading series of books by author Sara Blaedel. I actually found a book at the dollar store and got hooked.
  • Thanks everyone! Today I am working at a grocery store for 3 1/2 hours stocking, cleaning and moving around. That will be the workout of the day.
  • First week was good. The weekend not so good. Need to actually start making plans for the weekends because boredom is a big trigger. Finished a course on Insight Timer called Anxiety Tool kit and it was amazing.
  • June 6th: upside has been having my husband home this long. For 3 yrs he worked overseas and out relationship was borderline breaking point. We’ve reconnected in so many levels. Grateful for that. Also all the money I am saving on gas, tolls, cannot say the same about groceries since prices have seem to have gone up.
  • Beautiful quotes!! Keep’em coming!!
  • June 5= for some time now I make a big effort to smile at everyone I encounter. In my home country in Puerto Rico we do this all the time and when I moved to the US it saddened me to see how people just didn’t do it. It starts with me. So I did and to my surprise a lot of folks reciprocated. Out of 10 people 9 do smile…
  • @nebslp good habit! I always forget to take mine. Good luck.
  • Great chart @MadisonMolly2017 . Alzheimer also known as Type 3 diabetes. High processed carbs and excess sugars and a unhealthy lifestyle contributes. I wish I could eat beans. I love them. This will be interesting to see your dots!! Good luck!
  • @texasgardnr great post! It’s been raining here like crazy and although years past the beginning of rainy season turns into the SAD for me this time I will embrace it. Today marks the third day I sit on my back porch just to look and listen to the rain. I don’t have the app but I started following them on FB. A breath of…
  • @nebslp bravo!!! You are off to a great start. We are all in this together. Reach out when you need a little help. That’s what I will do!
  • For the 3rd day of Joyful June Challenge here are the 3 things I am grateful for: my health( This past January I was diagnosed with pneumonia, which led to a 5 day hospitalization; lots of friends and family are certain it was Covid). A new mattress: I had mine for 8 yrs and it was awful. Thankfully we were able to get one…
  • @jlperiard I am so sorry you are going through this. I have never been in that situation but my parents divorced when I was 4 and I still remember the day my father left. My mom and dad never again had a conversation but my mom took my dad to court all the time. That most certainly damaged whatever chance of communication…
  • Thank you @nebslp . I love walking! Great job working in your yard. That’s a great workout.
  • Well put @77tes
  • Well done @balhoff ! Getting stronger every time. I walked late afternoon yesterday. 3.84 miles.
  • Much luck to you @jlperiard putting yourself first is always good. Day 2 for me In terms of reframing a worry. This are certainly scary times. It’s very easy for me to worry and feel anxious. Today I choose to be grateful. I am safe at home, food to eat, family that loves me. I find support and guidance when I need it in…
  • This month is all about making better decisions for my overall health. 1. My goal for this month (This June I will...") eat better, stay healthy 2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: exercise, eat right, work on my emotional health 3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: exercise wardrobe,…
  • Great post! Thank you! Today I decided to smile at everyone I encountered. Even while wearing a mask. Made me feel good and those that noticed smiled immediately.
  • @balhoff congratulations!! That’s amazing!!
  • @balhoff had no idea you were a minister. I thought we were posting motivational quotes to keep each other motivated not to agree or disagree with each other. You have no idea what my religious believes are. I personally agree with this quote; sometimes we put our salvation, happiness, success on others when we should have…
  • Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. Buddha
  • Awesome @PackerFanInGB
  • Glad you are feeling better @themedalist ! Awesome to be pain free. @PackerFanInGB thanks for the suggestions! I finished my course last night. Amazing how my relationship with food is so emotional! Glad I am taking all the steps I need to fix that. Walking again had improved my sleeping tremendously. I am still figuring…
  • Yes it does!
  • Good for you @balhoff Keep up the good work. I downloaded an app to help me keep hydrated. It’s called Water Lama. So far so good.
  • You are always one decision away from living a totally different life. from Higher Perspective