

  • Who out there among thou hast sampled a perfect Long Island Ice (or Iced) Tea? I am always avast for a good one, yet have been sorely disappointed for the most part. The first sign that it's not going to be good is when it is served in a small glass; in my experience the only good LIIT is served in a LARGE glass or mug,…
  • Luscious Lushes, I'm glad you're not judging! It's such a sad thing when I'm at my calorie limit for the day, but still would like to have a delicious ale to wind down the evening. It *is* a fine motivating factor to go for a half-hour walk in the evening or a run in the morning to "pad" the calorie limit a bit... To my…
  • Oatmeal! Now there's something I need to eat more of to spice up my breakfast! When I *do* eat it, I like walnuts, raisins, and brown sugar. But it's great to see all these other new ideas!