

  • Morning ( well afternoon here ) to everyone Just been reading the newspaper online during my lunch break and found this article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1375936/A-digested-guide-perfect-digestion-Experts-reveal-relieve-common-symptoms.html I agree with some of it but hite instead of brown bread??? Let me…
  • I totally agree on the coffee - can't drink it so just gave it up - it wasn't worth the pain That said its hard to cut out the red bull - LixxiKitti I totally agree with your post :) I have also been having an activa yogurt every morning with brekafast which has probiotic in it and this seems to help - have had the tablets…
  • Hey Guys, I have been suffering with IBS since an accident in 2000 which meant having to have an ovary and fallopian tube removed and my bladder and bowels stitched up. I have tried everything under the sun from fibregel ( little sachets you add to water to drink ) to Ducolax and Senokot ( sorry about spelling ?! )…
  • OK first of all sorry to say this and I don't want to upset you but please be really happy about this baby. I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years and am losing weight so that I will be able to have IVF - I would give my right arm to be in your shoes and pregnant !!
  • Hi Guys, I don't really want to get into the heated debate but I don't drink diet drinks due to aspartme. I suffer with IBS and went to see a food specialist a few years ago - she said to cut out egg whites ( but funnily enough not the yolks ), wheat and aspartme. She also said to eat real butter instead of diet spreads. I…