IBS Sufferer? Let's help each other.



  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    Here here on this topic!!!! I was diagnosed with IBS (i think I have IBS-C because I am constipated a lot more often) when I was 18. I am now 30. It has been a rough ride thats for sure :( I have definitely noticed though that when I eat healthy the symptoms tend to be a lot better overall. I know (for the most part) my trigger foods and feel like I have it somewhat under control.

    I also learned that my gallbladder needs to be taken out as well, and that this might have been causing a lot of my discomfort over the years. We'll see what happens when and if I do get it out.

    Good luck to everyone with this...I know how difficult it can be!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm so on a high right now. Spent the day hiking out in the sunshine and doing some Geocaching ... Love Love Loved it. Check out this picture I took ... how's this for a sign of spring ... a little purple sprouting through the deadness ...
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    thats pretty nice photo:)
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    Hi all, had a bit of a hideous weekend with the stomach upsets, was in a mood on Saturday/Sunday about some personal things (my weight being one of them) and decided to 'give myself time off' my diet, ate things i havent eaten in weeks....refined carbs, potato, chocolate, wine etc....seriously felt like throwing up and ended up hopping into bed early last night and propping mself up on pillows to try and make my stomach more comfortable.
    Was pretty disheartening and am quite disappointed in myself...aside from the calories, I really made myself feel very ill with the IBS and wont be doing that again in a hurry.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all, had a bit of a hideous weekend with the stomach upsets, was in a mood on Saturday/Sunday about some personal things (my weight being one of them) and decided to 'give myself time off' my diet, ate things i havent eaten in weeks....refined carbs, potato, chocolate, wine etc....seriously felt like throwing up and ended up hopping into bed early last night and propping mself up on pillows to try and make my stomach more comfortable.
    Was pretty disheartening and am quite disappointed in myself...aside from the calories, I really made myself feel very ill with the IBS and wont be doing that again in a hurry.
    Hey, we all have off the right eating days. Lesson learned and then we move on. Unfortunately, with IBS, it takes us a few days longer than most to get our systems back to bearable. Sorry you had a rough time with the personal stuff.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Here here on this topic!!!! I was diagnosed with IBS (i think I have IBS-C because I am constipated a lot more often) when I was 18. I am now 30. It has been a rough ride thats for sure :( I have definitely noticed though that when I eat healthy the symptoms tend to be a lot better overall. I know (for the most part) my trigger foods and feel like I have it somewhat under control.

    I also learned that my gallbladder needs to be taken out as well, and that this might have been causing a lot of my discomfort over the years. We'll see what happens when and if I do get it out.

    Good luck to everyone with this...I know how difficult it can be!

    I had my gall bladder out years ago. I didn't have IBS back then. I really hope it makes a difference for you. You'll have to keep us posted with that. Good luck.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I am just sharing my personal experience. I used to suffer from IBS..badly. I became a vegetarian for moral reasons, but a nice bonus was my IBS went completely away.

    That's awesome!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I must say I had a fabutastic weekend. The weather was perfect for hiking. Today I went with the hubby and the BFF to Crawford Lake Conservation Area in Halton, Ontario. I had never been there before. What a great hike (burned me some calories) and they also had a 15th century Iroquoian Village. A nice place, I’ll definitely go back again.

    Along with using the recommended stuff from the doctor, I went out today and got some almond milk to put on my cereal and in my coffee in the mornings, I’m going to try and go non-dairy to see if it will make a difference with the IBS.

    Well ... that's it for me today. Hope you're all doing well and we'll talk again soon. Keep a positive attitude and the rest will fall into place they say. Take care all.
  • cmowat13
    cmowat13 Posts: 98 Member
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey Hey ... It's Monday ... A brand new beginning ... Let's get her done!!!!!

  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    Along with using the recommended stuff from the doctor, I went out today and got some almond milk to put on my cereal and in my coffee in the mornings, I’m going to try and go non-dairy to see if it will make a difference with the IBS.

    YES i'm lactose intolerant but i'm not a big fan of dairy for IBS ppl, I think (hope!) you'll notice a big change without the milk. I have rice milk with everything I need milk for.

    good luck with it!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Along with using the recommended stuff from the doctor, I went out today and got some almond milk to put on my cereal and in my coffee in the mornings, I’m going to try and go non-dairy to see if it will make a difference with the IBS.

    YES i'm lactose intolerant but i'm not a big fan of dairy for IBS ppl, I think (hope!) you'll notice a big change without the milk. I have rice milk with everything I need milk for.

    good luck with it!

    I'm using almond milk for my cereal and it tastes good on it but ... I found it was yucky in the coffee. But then my daughter told me about Silk soy beverage for coffee ... I found it in the natural foods area at Zehrs ... it's pretty good. And they have it in hazelnut flavour too which I haven't tried yet but I will.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... well, it's been 5 days since I started taking the recent doctor’s advice and I have to admit ... even after only 5 days ... it's made a big difference. The pain has subsided and I'm making bm's on a regular daily basis ... although they are far from normal ... they're better than nothing for days on end. I'm so grateful. I'm going to give this a month and if it's still working well I'll be sending a thank you card to this wonderful angel on earth. Seriously, he's the first one to help me.

    He has me taking Restoralax (that's the Canadian version of Miralax) in the morning, Senokot and Omega 3 in the evening, and Phillips Milk of Magnesia when I go to bed. I've also cut out milk products (no more milk, yogurt, or cheese). I'm feeling better than I have in a long time.

    How is everyone doing? I've been eating pretty good this week and the weather is getting better too so I've started hiking again. Life is good :happy:
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    since watching what i eat have been a lot better just wish the bloating would stop yesterday i ate a sandwich and then looked like i was 8 months pregnant serioulsy bloat is never good...never really have that much dairy so on that front im good hope everyone else is ok
  • helsebels
    Hey Guys,
    I have been suffering with IBS since an accident in 2000 which meant having to have an ovary and fallopian tube removed and my bladder and bowels stitched up.
    I have tried everything under the sun from fibregel ( little sachets you add to water to drink ) to Ducolax and Senokot ( sorry about spelling ?! ) Peppermint oil capsules, Buscopan tablets and changes to my diet.
    I saw a food specialist a few years ago and she found me to be intolerant to wheat, egg whites and asparatime.
    I have learnt over the years to reintroduce wheat - although am better with brown rice, pasta and bread, and kind of know when my body is ok to have an egg or two. Asparatime is a big no no - any soda cola, lemonade, etc whether diet or not bloats me terribly but I have found vimto cordial ( UK cordial you add to water ) and Red bull ( only the normal full sugar stuff ) are both fine.
    I have been majorily addited to red bull ( or cheap alternatives ) over the last couple of years but know trying to lose weight am drinking more water ( which I don't really like ) and cut back the red bull to one a day.
    Sometimes I get an attack though and I have to throw up to get the pain to subside and take strong painkillers - Doctor has previously given me Tramadol as codeine blocks me up. Its really annoying that sometimes the attacks happen and you can't understand why - you have been eating right and not stressed !!
    One big factor I have is the week before I am due on is always when they are most frequent!
    Hot water bottle on my stomach helps loads as well - little tip for you - I have one at home and one in my desk in work.
    There is nothing worse than having an attack in work and knowing that you can't leave as you have loads more to do. It doesn't help me being a training consultant - could tell lots of tales of times when I have had to run to the bathroom in the middle of training people and then returning to the room and trying to carry on knowing they are wondering "what the hell is up with this woman?"
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    This is a little off of the IBS subject ... but hey ... exercise helps too right? Check out what I got today ... woo hoo ... someone at work was getting rid of this DVD because she never used it ... still wrapped in the package never been opened. I've had a balance ball for years and now I can actually use it. Instructions are always good. I think I'll be trying this out shortly ... Fun Fun.

  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    cool about the dvd!

    @helsebels: I totally know what you mean, i'm also a total energy drink addict (sugarfree V) but am trying to cut it out....Im not sure about you but coffee makes my bowel/stomach REALLY bad and i want/need the caffeine so I figured energy drinks were the lesser of two evils! ha.

    i was at the doctor this morning discussing the IBS and she didnt really have anything else to add, I'm kind of just at a loss with it some times (most of the time) as everything seems to make it worse, i'm just like....whatever, I guess i just have to live with it at this point!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    It really does suck how little doctors know about this subject. I just happened to meet a doctor this week that actually had an opinion and some experience with experimenting with different things for his patients with IBS. His advice seems to be helping me but I don't want to believe it for a few more weeks. Sometimes something seems to be working at first then bam ... I get all backed up again. Time will tell. Anyway, I only met with this doctor because my doctor wasn't around when I had my last attack and this young fellow was covering for her. You never know who will come along with the advice you really need. That's why I started this thread as a matter of fact. I was hoping to find some helpful advice from others like myself. I hope we can all help each other over the tough times. I hope we can all find some kind of professional help that works but at least until then we have each other.

    Pleasant dreams all ... I'm off to bed now. Talk to you again soon.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    not having a great time with it this week, am swinging between the 2 extremes, but am rather stressed with work issues so i guess its to be expected. certainly not helped this morning though with work being chaos, i work at a train station and half of my rush hour trains have been cancelled, so i'm trying to piece the services together so i can give customers the best options, but its very difficult to do that when the control room keeps moving the goal posts so to speak. arghhh!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Oh My Goodness ... that Train Station job sure sounds like a challenge. I hope it calmed down a bit for you. Have a better day now. :flowerforyou: