DrMMaddo Member


  • Hello! Just so you know, you are the third person in less than a week who has mentioned being a bit overwhelmed when starting a new fitness program of any kind! I am a fitness professional and a doctor who is sitting here trying to write my fifth fitness professional course manual and am in a holding pattern because of the…
  • Your body does need rest. Resting at least one day a week is recommended. When strength training you need to take at least 48 hours rest before working the same body part again. When you strength train with the appropriate amount of weight, (i.e., you overload your muscles) you create micro-tears in your muscle fibers.…
    in Rest Days Comment by DrMMaddo April 2012
  • I am a doctor, an NASM PES, an AFAA continuing education provider, certified in 8 les mills programs, (14 yrs) was one of the first three managers in the US to run the programs successdully and hired and mentored many Les Mills Trainers and International Presenters....OK, enough of the bio.... Caloric expenditure is…