

  • Mio's good! They say it changes 'everything'. *LOL*
  • I really like Mary's idea of keeping the 'fun' into yuor everyday, tweaking it to keep it intersting. So essential! I tend to make MFP a game, trying to stay within the numbers each day. The suppers are the hardest for me.. I'm keen throughout the day, but after my workday is finished, I like to unwind. And this is where I…
  • Good luck to you! Every body's different and every body responds differently to a certain set of requirements and activities. I hope you'll keep us posted on how you do. My plan is continue using MFP - it keeps me honest. And it challenges me to exercise to change my input data. And - this has been working for me so far -…
  • I have heard alot about adding a bit of weight-lifting to keep the metabolism charged. I also think your body gets used to a certain set of exercise and needs to be challenged frequently. I'm totally inspired with MFP and the tracking system. Active as I am, I was always compensating what I burned off by upping my calorie…
  • Hi! I am 55, 5'8'' and weigh 198. Weight has just been creeping up over the past 15 years. I am active and energetic, but want to lose 43 pounds and hold steady at 155. I'm into MFP 10 days now - love the accountability. It's a serious reality check for what I was consuming, on a daily basis. I am down 2 lbs. and have a…