msbardell Member


  • Goat cheese or feta, I have also made a bean-based sauce to up the protein. Mushrooms! Olives of any kind.
  • Sorry no pic, but get in the pool. Swimming tones all over and you feel nice and squeaky clean after a workout. Google image Olympic swimmers.
  • I used to use Maca Up by Paradise something or another. So soy either. It has similar cals and protein to the one listed above. Maca Up is available at Vitamin Shoppe, and it's pretty cheap compared to the designer powders (Vega, Garden of Life, Raw, etc.)
  • Hello, I really only work out first thing in the morning, otherwise I would make up excuses later in the day. I get to the gym 5-6 days a week, very regularly, always in the a.m. If I wait, I never make it in. Plus, it's a "good start" to the day. I feel more energized and have more motivation to keep my body properly…
  • Girl, I'm with you. Sure all these things are fine in moderation, so is anything. But I miss the tummy-super-full-man-I'm-satisfied feeling. After a breakfast of 1/2 c. oatmeal, 2 hard boiled eggs, I'm still like, ok, where is the food? Please give me some fried eggs and ketchup and fried potatoes, please. GIANT bowls of…
  • Anorexic in high school. I also would limit to 400 - 700 cals/day. Bingeing is really hard on your digestive system. Though, I am guilty of eating an entire bag of red licorice once or twice a year. We're only human, we all have weaknesses. Really, really try to not do it once your at a "healthy" weight. But I also…