ritan7471 Member


  • Thanks everyone! The ratios are not improving though my triglicerides are within normal range. The occupational health care doctor will call me on Monday to discuss the results further. I know he will be concerned about the cholesterol but the other numbers are so greatly improved that I'm hoping all will go well. I was…
  • 115 this morning at the doctor. Higher than normal but haven't been eating well lately
  • Thanks everyone! I am really happy with my eating plan. I feel satisfied so it's easier to pass by sweet or carby snacks. I'm glad that my husband is so supportive. He eats what I eat.
  • 5.9 was after dinner. Fasting has been between 4.4 and 5.7. Yesterday after meals was 4.6-5.5. I went low carb and basically don't eat much fruit anymore.
  • Thanks a lot for the link. THat will be very helpful. When I see 5.9 on my meter, I'm not sure, is that good or bad?
  • Thanks very much! It confirmed what I already knew. This is a little disappointing, but there are converters online and I'm sure I'll get used to these numbers (eventually)
  • Hi Peloton, thanks for your message! I thought that here in Finland I would need a prescription to buy a blood glucose monitor but no! I was able to buy it myself and a supply of lancets and test strips, so tomorrow morning I will begin logging my blood glucose levels. I am really keen to start eating right and bring…
  • I have been diagnosed with T2 Diabetes yesterday morning. I have an appointment with another doctor at the end of the month, but I want to start changing my diet now. I'm not sure how realistic it is to think I could control it without medication, but I would like to try if the doctor lets me. Any tips and hints especially…
  • I'm definitely going to try this one.
  • It's on my Android app. When I log food, it gives me little feedback. Like as I approached my carb limit for the day, it gave me a red comment "Remember your carb goal is xxx grams" When I ate a sandwich "Good choice! This food item is high in protein!"
  • Thank you so much! I've had a tight left hip for years resulting in a lot of pain after running and I've been looking for a routine to help with that!
  • I was hoping you were going to use some kind of special baba ji power to help me gain control of my husban'd mind :cry:
  • I eat soup a lot for lunch too. If you don't have access to a microwave then I would recommend my go-to no microwave lunch of cottage cheese and ryvita with sliced deli meat.
  • Not shocked. Where I live now, the tradition is that the engagement ring is a plain gold ring and then the wedding ring might have some diamonds. Nowadays more and more women are going with the big diamonds, but I'm happy with my wedding set. I was married before in the States and had a small diamond engagement ring and…
  • :drinker:
  • And it's not even rocking what they feel comfortable in. At every swimming hall I've visited here where I live in Europe, Board shorts are not just discouraged, they're not allowed. Everyone wears speedos here, and at first it seemed a bit odd, but now it's just what people wear to the pool.
  • I don't log anything that isn't deliberate exercise, so anything that's a normal part of living my life is not logged as exercise, including cleaning, walking to and from public transportation (about 2 miles a day), and so on.
  • Most chicken dishes and pasta or rice with sauce freeze fairly well. When I was living alone I would cook on the weekend and then freeze portions for later in the week. I guess it got a bit rubbery but was honestly still way better than any frozen meal I would buy at the store. I do tend to use spice packets or pouched…
  • This diet is not affecting her in any other way than that you can't center your life around food anymore. I agree that if you are being mopey then you should probably skip the get-togethers. But if it's just that others are uncomfortable with you not eating when they are, then it's not mopey, it's just you with an empty…
  • I can appreciate pushing toward a challenging goal, and as long as you are happy with whatever loss you achieve, then it's all good. Just be healthy, that's the main thing. Here is a success story I just read that I think might inspire you, too:…
  • I've never done a half marathon, so I can't really help. I did walk a 10k in about 1 hour, 45 minutes recently at 205 pounds. I just wanted to say, YOU GO! And I hope you will post your finishing time. Rita
  • I agree with this. Of course you want quick success, but this is 0.59 pounds per day. I don't see that as being sustainable without a super restrictive diet and exercise. Will that work for you in the long term?
  • Thank you for this! Good pizza is hard to find where I live, I'm going to try making my own!
  • This right here. I started out this round with MFP doing something like IIFYM without knowing what it is. I can see I need to incorporate a lot more fresh veggies and fruit to hit my fiber target, for example. But I'm finding myself feeling a lot less stressed as I concentrate on meeting my nutritional goals rather than…
  • I was just posting about a similar problem I have. Thanks very much for all the suggestions here as well. My problem is that my husband's mother and grandmother live right next door to each other and I try to spend time with both as they don't hang out together much. So my eating gets out of control there: 1.Breakfast with…
  • Thanks everyone, I think the notepad is a good idea. I usually have a few quiet minutes after eating, and frankly, every month won't be like May. Usually we only have one weekend every 2 months where we're out and it's not possible to log. I just know I tend to roll right down the slope from "not logging for a couple days…
  • I weigh at least twice a week, on Monday and Thursday. I'm really bad at tracking on the weekends so weighing on Monday keeps me motivated to eat well during the week. My weight fluctuates too much, so if I weighed every day I think it would be demotivating, if I were eating well but gained a pound.
  • Now I want chocolate milk. So many of the kids who eat school breakfast and lunch are low income and don't get enough calories at home. II probably would have been even skinnier than I was as a kid without the extra food I got in my free breakfast and lunch. If I got 20 extra calories and some sugar from chocolate milk -…