What a great thread! So many candid contributions! Thank you all! Many replies resonated with me - especially the ones about being treated differently when smaller as opposed to bigger. I know that my experiences were not all in my mind! It DOES happen. And, as someone who has lost and regained 40, 75, 90 and 100+ lbs in…
Yay for you! I'm on week 6 of Couch 2 5K, and it's amazing to think that I couldn't run continuously for even a minute just a short while ago. The program works, and you WILL get stronger and you will love it! Something I keep in mind -- I read that if you can run more slowly, you're probably running too fast, so heed the…
Yes-- Buy the dress! Immediately! You deserve it, Lady! So proud for you. Think back to all the things you couldn't do 100lbs ago that you can do now. My how things change! You have accomplished what a lot of people only dream of. Celebrate!
You look fantastic! If you can do this, you can accomplish anything in life. The world is your oyster, sweetie! Enjoy!
Congratulations! You look great, and I can tell you feel even better! I don't even know you and I'm SO proud for you. Way to go! The best is yet to come!
60 lbs is a lot! Go to a garden center today and lift a bag and a half of potting soil. That's what you've lost! I promise this will make it all seem more real. Get outside today and try something you think you can't do. Step over some obstacles, climb on a chair to change a light bulb, walk around the block.... I bet you…
I did 30DS for a few weeks on level one. I really felt like I was getting stronger. At one point Jillian says she has 400 lb clients that do Jumping Jacks, so we should do them, too. I just can't handle all that "jiggling." Anyone else modify things so they're a little lower impact? I'm just over 200lbs, but have been much…
OK that's 4! Any one else out there? balston, you think you know how to do this? We can just keep collecting names, and surely we'll get the hang of it! Does anyone know if all of the groups are public on this site, or do some go private?
Do you sprinkle the oatmeal raw? Or, do you cook it with water, first?
I have this book and love it! I just made the Italian Cabbage Casserole again tonight. 223 calories per big serving, and it tastes just like Lasagna. I've made several other recipes, too. Definitely worth the $16.15 (price tag is still on it!) from Walmart. Sent in my free magazine subscription, too. Go get one!