Amazing Breakfast wrap.... Not exactly what youd think...

nisharae Posts: 204
So a local restaurant had this on their menu.. and I decided to recreate it... It was delish... I actually used it as a post work out snack.... awesome!

Its a peanut butter, apple, banana wrap..... Amazing goodness....

Here are the ingredients:

1/2 a banana - 44 calories
1/2 a tortilla ( i used 80 cal kind) - 40 cal
1 TBS PB2- 25 Cal
1/2 apple- 40 cal
1/2 tsp of honey (if you use real pb you can omit) 30 cal
1/3 pouch Oatmeal of your choice ( i used better oats raisin spice)- 53 cal
Apple Pie Spice to taste
Cinnomin to taste

Total of 232 Calories..... Also when I made it I did not use quite as much of the fruit so mine only came out to 187 you can cut back whatever you'd like. I just used halves as it made it easier. ;) This would be great with greek yogurt on the side.. for a 332 cal breakfast... just sayin ;)

<3 Nisha Rae

- Its really easy to make 2 of these and save one for later seeing I use 1/2 of alot of things.... Or just have one large serving.. Its up to you. I just didn't want to spend the cals... Also I used PB2 if you use real Peanut Butter you would have to add 75 calories, but then you could omit the 30 for the honey I used to sweeten the PB2. Its all up to you.. I love stuff sweet so...

Enjoy all.. This was sooo good!


  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    Bump. Cuz it sounds good and I want to try it
  • Shellz206
    Shellz206 Posts: 97 Member
    That sounds delicious!
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    sounds great! lots of options to play with!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    thanks for sharing , sounds good. But what is PB2, is it lowfat peanut butter?
  • ascoors
    ascoors Posts: 7
    Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing this.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Yummy I gonna eat this for lunch tomorrow:)
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    @ themommie...

    PB2 is ... catch this..... powdered peanut butter... its peanut butter but with oil and such taken out... There are some discussions on here about it if your even more curious.. I bought mine online.. Still getting used to how you use it.. Pretty much, you just mix it with whatever you want.... If you want normal peanut butter consistance I use 1 TBS PB2 to 1 TBS water (maybe a little less). Its great.. Also only 50 cals for 2 TBS as opposed to 200... for Peanut Butter lovers, its awesome!
  • ricnrac
    ricnrac Posts: 95 Member
    What kind of tortillas do you use? Mine are 130 calories.......
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Sounds wonderful! Thanks for posting!
  • Bronwyn9
    Bronwyn9 Posts: 17
    Do you sprinkle the oatmeal raw? Or, do you cook it with water, first?
  • kt_rubino
    kt_rubino Posts: 87 Member
    Bimpity Bump!
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    Do you sprinkle the oatmeal raw? Or, do you cook it with water, first?

    I use it raw... The initial recipie was for granola.. but i didn't have any so I substituted.... The raisin spice choice made it sooo yummy though.. Oh I just sprinkled it on raw.. but I love uncooked oatmeal mixed with random things... I guess that makes me kinda weird.. no?
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    What kind of tortillas do you use? Mine are 130 calories.......

    la tortilla factory tortillas....whole wheat low carb low fat tortillas....they are higher in fiber and the large ones are only 80 cals...

    Mission low-carb tortillas are also only 80 cals

    Hope this helps.. there are flat out wraps too that are only 90- but i dont think they'd be good for this recipie.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    @ themommie...

    PB2 is ... catch this..... powdered peanut butter... its peanut butter but with oil and such taken out... There are some discussions on here about it if your even more curious.. I bought mine online.. Still getting used to how you use it.. Pretty much, you just mix it with whatever you want.... If you want normal peanut butter consistance I use 1 TBS PB2 to 1 TBS water (maybe a little less). Its great.. Also only 50 cals for 2 TBS as opposed to 200... for Peanut Butter lovers, its awesome!

    I loooooove PB2!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Do you just put everything on the tortilla? Do you sprinkle the Pb2 on or mix it with something?