LCsmom12 Member


  • I'm really liking the program so far! I've been doing BR for the past few years on and off and BR definitely starts off a little easier than Body Shred. I haven't seen the scale move much, I have PCOS so that's sort of an uphill battle anyways, but I have lost a few inches. I'm restarting week 3 this week because last week…
  • Oh no really?? My alarm went off this morning to get up and workout and I rolled over and woke up again a half an hour later! I'll be doing workout 4 tonight. Workout 3 was intense! I'm beginning to hate the work plank. But the burn is real, I'm still feeling it today!
  • I completely forgot that I need to bump up to workouts 3 and 4 tomorrow, yikes!! I get bored with her cardio too, I only did it once each week just because of how my schedule worked out. Not gonna lie, I am a little nervous about the next workouts! :# But we got this!
  • I started the program on 1/11 too! I also have done Body Revolution on and off for the past few years but needed a change in my workout program. So far I love Body Shred and I feel a little stronger than I did last week. I feel like I barely get off the ground with the donkey kicks! haha
  • I like your attitude!! I'm going to add you :)
  • You look amazing! I have similar measurements to yours and started the program about 3 weeks ago. I feel better and definitely stronger. Did it seem like your belly area was the last to tone up and lose fat? I feel like it's not budging!
  • Hi! I have a very similar situation to you! I am a full-time, working mother of two in Mass. I've been up and down with my weight every since I had my first child 4 1/2 years ago. I'm so ready to get back in shape and make the lifestyle change for my eating as well. I started following the South Beach diet on Jan 1 and I'm…