mshort405 Member


  • ME ME ME!! My wedding is also about 10 months away. I just want to feel better about myself and be a healthy bride. Feel free to add me!
  • I sat down in my dress! That may seem silly but when I first bought it, that wasn't going to happen. At this point, I still need maybe a total of 1/2in total let out across my hips. My first alterations appt isn't until August so I'm still hopeful that I can make it so that no alterations are going to be needed. Keep it up…
  • I already purchased my dress. I found it at an overstock store and it was the only one available. It zips and fits, it's just a little snug through my hips and midsection. I have never been so stressed about losing weight in my life. I would suggest ordering the dress in June at the size you are in June. Alterations can do…
  • Me!!!! I'm getting married in just over a year, 4/14/18! I've lost over 100 pounds in the past but I've put on a little "relationship weight". I'd like to lose about 25 pounds and get back to where I was. I'm slowly but surely getting back into my routine. Add me!!
  • I am right there with you sister. My wedding is next spring and I've bought a dress off the rack. It fits now but I'd like to have to have it taken in. I was recently told that there was no way I was going to be able to pull of my dress because I was too big. Now I intend to prove them wrong. I will look BOMB on my wedding…
  • Me! Me! I'm a super nerd. Harry Potter? Check! Game of Thrones? Check! LOTR? Check! Walking Dead? Check! The Hunger Games? Check! Super heros? Check! Especially my main squeeze Batman! I have a book collection taking over my living room and I'm perfectly ok with it. I love Sci-Fi and fantasy. I'm also a science geek and…
  • Hey all! I'm not new, tomorrow is actually my 1 year fitversary! It has definitely been a rough road and some days are still really hard. I've currently lost 88 pounds (62 with MFP and 26 before I joined.) I've still got a way to go but thought I'd share what I've learned so far. I have PCOS so my journey has been a little…
  • Bumpity bump bump bump!
  • I've been on Spiro for over a year now. It has definitely helped with the unwanted hair (I had it growing in really dark on my hands). It also seems to be working much better for me than the Metformin did. As far as stomach issues go I haven't really noticed a difference. I have IBS so I'm super aware of changes. The…
  • I have been diagnosed with PCOS for over 10 years. In total I have been able to lose 67 pounds, 41 of which came after I joined MFP. I'm on BC and Spironolactone and the combination of the two seems to have finally settled things down for me. The biggest thing is that I record everything I eat, down to the last bite. I…
  • I love Spanx! Yes, they are pricey but I don't know what I'd do without them. It's like a second skin and I don't even notice I'm wearing them. I don't wear them everyday, just on certain occasions or with certain outfits. Even after I reach my goal (over a 1/3 of the way there!) I'll still love my Spanx!
    in Spanx! Comment by mshort405 July 2014