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  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good evening :smile:

    Welcome to your new life. You'll love it here!

    I've been here since January of last year, but started my road to health on September 11, 2012 after a devastating T2 diabetes diagnosis. I've managed to lose nearly 120 pounds since that date (although I've recently put a bit back on due to holiday overindulgence, ugh). I've went from a 14.something A1C to (at last reading) a 4.9 A1C - if you're not familiar with these terms, an A1C test measures the amount of sugar in your blood, and it's vital for diabetics to keep track of this in order to avoid problems with kidneys, vision and circulation (especially in the feet). Diabetes is devastating - once you have it, you must watch your diet FOR LIFE.

    Hopefully you don't have it and you're here to avoid it, but even if you've got it, this is a great place to get help and support, for sure.

    I've had to change nearly everything about my previous life. I now exercise at least 3 times a week (walking up to 5 miles a day on some days), I cook MUCH more at home (though I'm still prone to an occasional take-out attack, and I'm working on that), and I'm committed to being medication-free, both now and in the future. So far I think I'm doing pretty well.

    My advice to those starting out - this is a PROCESS. It is not something that will happen overnight. You will not wake up tomorrow, or next week, or even next month, and experience instant results. Do NOT give up if it's not coming off as quickly as you'd hoped - it WILL come off over a period of time.

    DON'T OVERDO IT. I know, you're eager to get started - but know your limitations. There's nothing worse than exercising harder than your capabilities, then waking up with your body screaming the next day - that's when you're going to say, "Oh, God, I'm not cut out for this." You ARE. Just because you might not be able to run 5 miles the first day doesn't mean you won't eventually. Even 15 minutes on a gym machine, or 10 minutes of walking, it's a START. Work up to what you can, and always push for just a little more - but no more than you can handle. Still a little sore? Normal - it's called DOMS. Aspirin or Advil fixes it if it's too much. It won't last forever, I promise. Just DON'T GIVE UP.

    Don't always go by the scale. A scale only gives a number - it doesn't measure inches off your body, it doesn't define who YOU are. Celebrate what we call "non-scale victories" (NSV for short) - that could be your jeans fitting just a little bit looser, or being able to walk 15 minutes longer than you could yesterday. Every day marks progress - as long as you don't give up. DON'T GIVE UP, whatever you do. If you need motivation, support, a shoulder to cry on, you'll find it here. Make friends on MFP - some of the best friends I have are here and they carry me on the days where I think I can't make it anymore.

    You don't have to be social - I know I'm not, for sure. But it helps. We all understand here - if we didn't, we probably wouldn't be here to begin with, right?

    Never forget, though, where you came from. When you lose the weight you want to lose (and you will!), don't ever forget to pay it forward. One day you might see someone struggling - so give back. :smile: Encouragement goes a long way.

    Again... welcome to your new life. Feels good, doesn't it? You haven't seen anything yet, I promise!

    - c.
  • sallyanj
    sallyanj Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this app as well. Have been on another one before and really liked it but works with USA denominations. Was frustrating. So finally I've made the change.
    Would love friends so any friend requests would be greatly appreciated.
    Being pay off a community of like mined people certainly keeps me on track.
  • charlenio1023
    charlenio1023 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new
  • katew221
    katew221 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all! There has been some great advice already on this thread :smiley:

    I thought I would add my own to help out
    1. Log everything, even if you are ashamed to admit it to yourself. Noticing trends and patterns in your eating, exercising and weight/fitness can help to identify areas that are positive and those that need change
    2. Don't beat yourself up! You are human, and it matters that you are going in the right direction, not that you are perfect
    3. Weigh your food more, and yourself less! Each gram of butter is important, but each inch is more important than each pound :)
    4. 100 calories of healthy food will make you feel better than 100 calories of junk
    5. Start strength training now! Yes, even if you are female, YES even if you have 100+ lbs to lose! Building muscle is a fantastic foundation for your health
    6. Use the blog function - it's free, fun and a great way to look back on your journey and learn from it

    Also I want to share some quotes that have helped me over the last year

    "Don't give up on a goal because of how long it will take to achieve it. The time will pass anyway"
    "You don't have to be good, you just have to do it"
    "JUST DO IT!!"
    "We don't stop when we're tired, we stop when we're DONE"
    "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
    "Do not wait until you reach your goal to enjoy your body"

    Sending lots of good vibes to you all out there! Remember we are all always learning, no matter where we are in our lives.
  • Hi All, I'm new to the site! Only looking to lose 30 lbs, but have tried in the past with little success. Also wanting to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I'm hoping this site will give me the boost I need to stick with it! All new friends welcome :)
  • msj378
    msj378 Posts: 17
    Looking to make some new fitness pals! I'm new here so I've been feeling my way around alllll day, offering a little motivational help when I thought I could. Weight loss is a hard beast to tame, but we can all achieve our goals.
    Good luck on your journey, we can do it!
  • Looking for some friends. I lost 50 lbs a few years ago using a similar website but just starting to try and lose some more. Short term goal is 40 lbs. My ultimate goal would be to lose 85 so I can be at 150. Mom and dad have type 3 diabetes and aunt just got it as well, also I am having hip and knee problems so I am doing this more for the health part than the looks. Need some more motivation though.
  • Hello.
    I'm looking for some friends to help keep me motivated and on track.
    I am currently the heaviest I have ever been after having my daughter 10 week ago
    I am aiming to lose 7 stone 1 lb at a steady pace.
    Please feel free to add me x
  • NoStoppingNow77
    NoStoppingNow77 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I started MFP back in September and I'm down 50lbs with another 60 to go. I'd love new friends to keep me motivated and I'll do the same for you! :)

    -To share what works for myself I'd say it's logging EVERYTHING. Even mustard!
    -Weigh out as much as you can. You'd be surprised how much you get in a true 1tbsp serving compared to what you think is a tbsp.
    -Stay focused and motivate yourself with small goals. I finished got me off the couch and burning tons of calories.
    -Drink lots of water. Some people debate this but I drink a gallon a day and it helps me stay full in during the day and the evenings. In the beginning, I would drink water with lemon and stevia. It tasted a little like lemonade and that worked for me. Everyone has things that work for them you just have to figure it out.

    "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out" -Robert Collier
  • mshort405
    mshort405 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm not new, tomorrow is actually my 1 year fitversary! It has definitely been a rough road and some days are still really hard. I've currently lost 88 pounds (62 with MFP and 26 before I joined.) I've still got a way to go but thought I'd share what I've learned so far.
    I have PCOS so my journey has been a little different.
    -Log everything! Even the bad days.
    -Protein is your friend (it's definitely mine). It keeps me from reaching for snacks.
    -Don't eliminate foods because they're "bad". Treat yourself from time to time.
    -I've found keeping my carbs from getting to high is helpful.
    -Learning what vitamins I need for PCOS and taking them everyday.
    -Find healthy foods you enjoy. Give new foods a try; you may find a new favorite.
    -Most important for me is interacting with my friends list. Try and find people similar to you and those who are different. I'm friends with the OP which is how I knew about this thread.

    If you're new and need a friend feel free to add me. I love new friends!
    Its a new year and you're in control of the outcome :)
  • Hello everyone, I am new to the MFP website and App. I joined because MFP is supposed to work well with my new Garmin Vivofit fitness tracker. But nothing seems to be easy! I would love someone to explain how things work. And how do I find people in my area? Search was not much help. If I use the app on my phone, can I use the app also on my IPad? And can they talk to each other? It's frustrating to type lots of info into my phone, then it "fails to sync" and I lose what I typed and scanned! Arrrrgh!
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've been on since September 2014. Most of what I have learned is that slow and steady is the only way I would be able to keep going. It isn't a race to lose the weight as fast as possible. It's a competition with yourself to figure how to become the person you want to be which takes time and patience. This is also something, if it's what you truly want to accomplish, that will take the rest of your life. I lost 15lbs in 2013 only to gain back 20 and I have now lost that 20, but I didn't give up on MFP this time either. I have a long way to keep going to reach my goal. This will be at least a year, if not more of a process to lose and then learn to maintain. I didn't really think that far into it until I started and only planned on it being maybe 3 months I didn't give up eating anything, just eat less. I remind myself of the annoying little 'calories in calories out' mantra whenever I start to get too restrictive (not that this normally becomes a problem ha) and whenever I want to reach for something like a pastry that has way too little bang for it's calorie buck. Since beginning MFP this second time I have gotten much better at exercise and was able to jog a whole 5k! Couch 2 5k works for a bunch of people on here, I just went out and walked/ran around for a few months until it happened though. I still run slow, but the point is I am running. I think that is a good way to look at the lifestyle change that you may be embarking on. You're not going to lose 30 or 50 pounds in a month and you're not going to become the most muscular person around in a month either, but you can begin to learn and start the process of changing your body and life.

    Also I have PCOS and love to add any friends who are also going through this too! Just add PCOS into the message when you friend :)
  • sophiakarlene
    sophiakarlene Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm new here and I'd love some friends for motivation. :)
  • Howdy! :)

    If anyone would like a supportive friend, feel free to add me. I was active on MFP for quite awhile last year. I was at about 71lbs lost by April of last year, but went through a traumatic event and gained some weight back. I'm currently at 33lbs lost and getting back on track. I have 165 to go! Through the guidance and strength of Christ, anything is possible! :)

    Happy New Years, all.

  • HollyRobertz
    HollyRobertz Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me! After starting a new job in June, all the weight I had worked off came creeping back so fast! (like <6 months fast...I know, shameful lol). Although, I have had MFP for awhile, I haven't been properly utilizing it and it is time that I change that. Most of my current friends are inactive, so any requests are welcomed! :smile:
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    New and in need of motivational friends! Fed up with trying diets and having them not work for one reason or another.

    Just getting back into running after a long lay off so having to start back at the beginning.

    Any and all help will be most appreciated so thanks in advance! Please feel free to drop me a message and add me
  • I am new as of yesterday. Joined the 2015 challenge. I need to lose 60lbs that I gained over the last 3 years...seems that now I am in my 60s the weight doesn't come off as easily. I tend to eat when stressed or bored...or anytime in between :(. A relative has used this app and lost 50+ lbs., so hoping I can stick to it. Welcome anyone wanting to friend me.
  • Hi im new :) any advice would be great
  • CJ8585
    CJ8585 Posts: 48 Member
    I am in need of some friends on here so we can help motivate and keep each other on track. Please add me :)
  • NHeyman13
    NHeyman13 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi! I was a MFP member in the past but never utilized it like I should. I have created a new account to give myself a fresh start, and would love some new friends :) please feel free to add me!