

  • Totally agree!! Once you have finished your workout you will feel energised and more alive. I find it helps with cramps to. I ache more after a session during this time but it's worth it and I can scoff a chocolate bar thanks to extra cals :) Worth giving it a go
  • Thanks everyone, core work it is then. The skin will go back it's a result of child bearing and not looking after myself throughout my 20's hopefully it won't come to surgery. Hopefully in a few months I can update with some abb pics! Thanks again
  • That does sound high, I did 30 mins on the bike this morning at a good speed and only racked up 179 cals, Did you have it on a high tolerance setting? Marie
  • I caught my reflection in a shop window and through *kitten* you look awful! I burst in to tears went home and got working on what to do about it. That was 2 years ago and 58lb lighter it was the best thing i have ever done!
  • I don't get them on my boobs but i get like fat pockets on my hip bone, not nice, but i have to say as the weight is coming off they are going down slowly. I was told by the doctors that they would go as i lost weight.
  • I'm 5"4 and my goal is 120lbs.... getting there slowly
  • Hi, i started the year at 152 and trying to get down to 120 for the summer. 2 years ago i was 208 so it can be done, 130 by July im with you on that!! Im only 5"4 and a fair bit older at 32 but if you want to buddy up im game if you are. I cycle when i am not working but as i got made redundant 2 weeks ago have more time…