

  • omg, i know what ur talking about and can completely feel ur pain :(. I have been stuck and plateaued at 165 for 2 freaking yrs. I have been regularly working out since past 2 and half yrs and moreso consistent since atleast a year . I watch what i eat (the 1200 goal) and work out like crazy with the cardios, the interval…
    in frustrated Comment by monjo80 March 2011
  • omg i was in stores today trying them and none felt like they gave the support needed. I have couple of Nike ones which i had gotten from Kohls, i think i wud have to go back there on Sat and its so imp for peeps like us ..
  • Hey Rosie, I know what you mean. I thought i was eating healthy too but was conviniently missing the tiny bites of Indian sweets and carbs i was loading on. I am excited to have a healthy eating habit setup .. Lets motivate each other and keep going @ it!! Gud Luck 2 u 2.. Cheers!! MonJo
  • Hey, Welcome 2 u :) and yes sharing will definitely help each on of us move ahead!! I am just loving logging what i eat and its amazing how i am concious of everything i out in my mouth . Although, i dont want to become a freak and still want to be able to enjoy the food that i eat :) Well anyways, good luck to you and…