Do a google search for Stronglifts 5x5, or if that doesn't float your boat, grab a copy of Starting Strength. Add some protein and enjoy the work. You'll make newbie gains pretty quick. :)
It can be frustrating when people disagree with what you're doing. Just remember, you're doing it for you and not them. :) Their understanding isn't a requisite of your efforts. I know at work people look shocked and disappointed when I turn down cookies, candies, office goodies. My office knows how to party, so there's…
So I put it in with my eggs for dinner...holy delicious, Batman! Yes, you definitely want some Akima. I foresee myself adding it to many things. I'm dreaming up a shrimp stir-fry right now since I also got some kelp noodles when I ordered the sauce from Amazon. Thinkin' shrimp, yellow summer squash, kelp noodles, cooked in…
I tend to hit sales on meat especially at the local grocery stores. It might make one week of shopping more expensive, but then I freeze what I can't use right away or do a big cook-up so I have tons of ready-made food. Works for me. :)
I don't really see a problem with full fat or fermented dairy, honestly. As long as you tolerate it well, enjoy it, and don't go super overboard, I say have at it. :) There's some good posts on regarding dairy...maybe read some of them and see where your desire for it lies afteword. There's also…
Sweet potato, sure, as a safe starch. But watch the fruit...sugar, sugar sugar. Also be wary of the dreaded "Dirty Dozen" list when it comes to your fruits. If you're really feelin' the need for the Vitamin C and sweetness, go with berries. I buy frozen berries a lot. Low glycemic load, tasty, and during the summer pretty…
I'd go with the wine. Or, if you're feeling fancy and think the bartender can handle it, see if they'll make you a NorCal Margarita. :)
BMI is crap...absolute crap. I've had doctors tell me as much. Just like what everyone is saying...focus on how healthy you are and not trying to fit into some pseudo-science numerical value. Eat well, be active, feel good, ignore nay-sayers, and put conventional wisdom back on the dusty shelf of bad research it came from.
Yup, exactly what was said above. Fat isn't the enemy. Kick the grains to the curb and give the fat a's tasty, and enhances the heck out of vegetables. Also, check out some of the posts on about fat, carbs, etc and see what you think. I admit, it took me a minute when deciding to put that first…
Add me if you like. I'm working my way down, as well. :) Good luck to all of us.
Free frozen meat? Sounds awesome to me. :) You've probably been there, but is my fave resource for Primal goodness. Lot of food for thought floating around on that site (and some pretty good recipes). Good luck on your venture into being Primal and Happy! Grok on!
Thanks guys. I think I'm off to a good start. Now if it can just keep me out of my doctor's office, I will be a happy camper. :)