no i've had 900 so far for today..I've been saving calories up over the week...My limit is 1570 calories a day..but i've been only eating 1300 calories a day..saving what i have left over the week...Making it a 1000 calories saved up...I wondered if i ate what i saved up..if i'd still lose weight..Christ i couldn't…
1300 calories a day..
I've saved a 1000 calories..I'm frightened of using i meant not lose weight if i eat/drink them...
Feel free to add me:)
I wasn't hungry on 1200 calories just felt like i was going to die..Rosemary Conley said 1200 calories first two weeks.(i did one week)then up it to 1400 calories for another two weeks..Then 1570 for my height and weight.But i've felt so ill on the 1200 i'm skipping the steps and doing the 1570 calories for my weight and…
I'm five foot 3 and half and weight 201 pounds..I'm 33..Just had some thing to eat as i felf awful..My heart was beating to fast..out of breathe..All i could think of was i can't do another week of 1200 calories!Decided to up my calories to 1700 aday..Just had some chocolate for 283 calories and i feel better.My husband…
What made me want to lose weight is someone asked me at the supermarket when the baby was due!Nothing fitting me and my wedding ring being to tight...