arisaurus Member


  • lop off your leg from the knee down. that should do it.
  • lol you said 'but butters' ew.
  • I posted already but I have something to add. I've been eating disordered for 12 years now (i'm 23) and being on MFP and counting my calories and macros and all that is getting me back on trrack to eating healthfully. Counting calories doesn't equal eating disorder. When you can't brush your teeth because you're afraid of…
  • I'm 5'9", currently 144. Looking to get down to 110 or somewhere around there.
  • i also wear a size small in tops and size 2-4 in dresses. hope this helps.
  • 5'9" When I was 115 lbs I wore a size 0. That's my current goal. Due to medication changes I have gained about thirty lbs so I'm about 144 right now wearing a size 4-5. I'm losing about a pound a day which I wouldn't suggest to anyone. Disclaimer: I have an eating disorder and have had one for twelve years.
  • Speaking as someone who has suffered from an eating disorder for twelve years I can tell you that counting calories does not an eating disorder make. If you do what I do and eat as little as possible and then binge and purge and obsess about the number on the scale then you have an ED. I break down and cry if the number…
  • I have suffered from an eating disorder for 12 years. I know it takes over your life. My advice would be to take a break for a week. Try to trust yourself to eat healthy and weigh yourself at the end of the week to see if you've got a grip on what your body needs. Learn to trust your body instead of depending on logging…
  • Hey there Suz. I'm not sure there is a board for eating disordered people specifically but I know those looking to recover are welcome. I had outside help before so I know the ins and outs, and my husband is very helpful and supportive of me. I just need a little extra boost so I don't lose too much. Thanks for the support!
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