

  • Believe it or not folks...all of these symptoms are happening to my husband, who is a diabetic...that's my scientific proof. He Now disabled & constantly drinks diet drinks all day long. We have three large bags of Splenda in our cabinets...that he uses while cooking instead of sugar. I'm gonna ask him to try for one week…
  • Me TOO!!! Somebody help US!
  • I'm on book two...but I put it down for a moment...because it became predictable in some spots. I'll go back eventually, but right now I rather play Sims...I have named four of my Sims after Christian, Anatasia, Carrick and Grace...LOL!!! Christian can't control this girl! LOL!!!
  • Great job! Due to months and months of family illnesses for my daughter and husband...I have fell by the wayside. I too am a Zumba fanatic and you have given me the motivation to get back on the bandwagon. You look great. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • name is Babs. I'm 53 (will be 54 in a few weeks), married, grandmother, & great-grandmother. I pledge to lose 4 pounds by the challenge deadline. My exercise regimen was working out at a woman's gym, Taibo, and walking my treadmill (when the doctor releases me...hopefully tomorrow). I will rededicate myself back…
    in Hello! Comment by sexybab June 2012
  • You took the words right out of my mouth...I'm going thru practically the same things. Thanks for your encouragement.