domino38 Member


  • OK thanks! I tried opening in paint, adding text, and saving but it is only saving the picture and not the animation:grumble: I have saved in both gif and jpeg to no avail. It should be worth mentioning that I am trying to email these files to a friend and not post them here on MFP...if that makes a difference?
    in gif files Comment by domino38 April 2013
  • Welcome!:flowerforyou: MFP is a great community filled with support and friends! I am so glad that I am apart of this community as it has helped me more than anything. I am posting a link for you to read that will help you with your journey .…
    in I am new! Comment by domino38 March 2013
  • Love this!:happy:
  • Thanks everyone!!! I enjoy reading each and every one of your stories! Thank you for all your advice! You guys are amazing! :love:
  • It does help! Thank you so much for all the information! You guys are great! :smile: It is nice to see everyone's story on their first marathon. You all are inspiring! :happy:
  • Oh wow! That is awesome! Good luck to you and your goal! I can only imagine the emotions that one goes through doing a marathon. I know that I was very emotional after the half:cry: I just hope I can finish...its that fear I guess all first timers and I am sure veterans go through. Wow you guys are motivating me! Thank you…
  • Wow Boston..that's amazing! Yeah this course it flat and several miles when I did the half there are on the boardwalk. I have not ran consistently for about a year. I actually started the training tonight and it definitely shows! I love hearing everyone's story on their first marathon experience! It inspires me!:smile:
  • Small world..I am a photographer as well..only as a hobby though. I think that is awesome that you finished it! I have a few friends that run but our schedules are different. When I trained for the half I primarily ran fact most of the time I run by myself or with my dog. I have never done much over 13 miles at…
  • I totally agree with you Chasing payment. As you know, working in the animal field we try in earnest to educate folks on the responsibilities of owning a pet. I am not sure where this young lady is located but it is illegal in certain states to euthanize your own pet.
  • Again, as I said no one should do this on their own. Your vet is highly questionable if indeed they did prescribe Benadryl for this purpose. You say that you could not afford the $300.00 to do this. The humane society would have helped you with this. Your vet certainly would have done the procedure as this animal was…
  • Although I truly sympathize with you and your loss I have to respond to this so that anyone else reading this will not take matters such as this into their own hands. Having worked in the veterinary field I can with utmost certainty say that a Veterinarian would never suggest to overdose your pet. There are so many…
  • I am right there with you. To make a long story short I to suffer with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). If I can offer any advise to you it would be to get help right away. Do not wait. I was so stubborn, thinking I could just make it go away. I tried everything, diet, exercise, breathing techniques, for me none of this…
  • I am struggling with the same issue. I have not increased my sodium and my diet is spot on. I noticed this trend this past week. I was a pound less then boom mid week up 3 pounds. This lasted about a day but I am still as of this morning up 1.8 pounds. Are you having hormone related issues? I am a little past mid cycle and…
  • Wow! Thanks guys for all your help!!! I realize that it is a journey and that some weeks will be better than others. The first week I lost 5 pounds, the second 1.4. This week 0. So it wasn't what you would call a even weight loss each week. I know that the first week was mainly water weight . I guess I was really just…
  • Hello, I understand how you are feeling...its happened to me as well. Is this a new exercise program you are following? I found some information on how when starting a new routine your body reacts, in particular muscle. A new exercise program changes the chemical makeup of your muscles as an adaptive response to increased…
  • Add me if you wish!