J3Streeter Member


  • These look and sound awesome. My fiance loves pumpkin anything, so she is gonna love this recipe. THANKS!!!
  • I also fall into the "future" marathon runner category. My fiance and I recently ran our first half marathon (10/29/11) and had such a good experience that we decided we want to do a full marathon. We are going to do the Shires of Vermont Marathon on May 20th (and hopefully GoLeanWendy will be there with us). We are…
  • Under 20 minutes for a 5k, that's great. Good for you!!! As for our marathon, we have a lot of training to do, but we are both really excited about it so I know it will go well. Thanks Again and keep up the good work.
  • Sorry about replying without actually replying... I'm still new to this. Anyhow, thanks for that post. You are probably right... I should probably eat more regularly so that way I never get to the point where I'm completely starving and craving all that bad food. As for me being hypoglycemic, I'm not really sure. I've…
  • That is one thing I've been really trying to do, is always have water around so I don't eat all the time. But, because I'm just really stupid and don't eat for like 8 hours or more at a time, when I do end up eating I choose all the wrong foods and eat lots of it too. I just have no will power I think.
  • Thanks guys... appreciate the feedback. For me, for example, I will pack my lunch for work. Usually it's a sandwich (turkey or roast beef with mustard and no cheese), celery, green peppers, and a granola bar. Well when it comes time for lunch, the food I have packed just doesn't appeal to me so I'll end up going out to…
  • I've been running for a long time, and ran X-Country and Track at a Division 1 college. My college coach told me the same thing that my high school coaches would tell me: inhale for 2 strides, and then exhale for 2 strides. That's it. If you begin to develop a cramp, lets say on your right side, then you should exhale very…
  • I'm not a lady, but my fiance and I did p90x together, and loved it. She lost approximately 15lbs and is in the best shape of her life. In the beginning, she couldn't do many pushups and could not even do a single pull-up. Now, she can do well over 40 pushups without stopping, and can do pull-ups without any assistance…
  • I've been a runner for a long time, and only in the beginning did I really experience shin splits. I think Conchita's post is on the money. There are a lot of exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles in your shin, which will in turn reduce the pain and ultimately, eliminate the shin splits all together. Compression…
  • Protein is essential, no matter the exercise that you're doing. Building muscle will help you burn more calories, so like the above post says, you need to make sure you're getting enough calories. And one very important point, you need to replenish your body immediately after your workout. General rule of thumb, however…
  • Due to the fact that I'm running a half marathon on October 29th, I decided that I wasn't going to drink any alcohol for a month leading up to the race. So on September 28th I drank some beers, and have not had a drop of alcohol since. So for me it's been 14 days alcohol-free, and I do feel good about myself. I will admit,…
  • I'm doing the Cape Cod Half Marathon on October 29th!!! I ran XC and track all through high school and college, but have never even ran a 5k road-race, let alone a half marathon. My girlfriend came up with the idea, so I decided I would do it with her. I used to run at least 25-30 miles a week just to stay fit, but then…