kerryjenkinson78 Member


  • HI, I am a stay at home mum too. I have a 5 month old and a 4 year old. after my first born I lost then regained again so I m determined after William was born in October to lose it all. I have been on MFP since January and loving it! Please add me as I would love friends for motivation and support, coz some days are hard!…
  • Hi Ladies, I have two boys - a just turned 4 year old and a 16 week old :-) I started at 191lb (87kg) at the beginning of January and want to get to at least 158lb (72kgs) I would love support and friends through this journey. I have never been successful with my weight loss and after my first son started on solids my…
  • Hi I am new to this too. Have been on MFP for about 3 weeks. My baby was born in October 2013. I am aiming to be down to 72kg (I think that's about 158lb) by June then who knows from there. I would love some people to support me & vice versa along the way :-)
  • Hey Lil farm, have just messaged you. I am trying to lose after the birth of my boy in October
  • Hi All, I am Kerry from Christchurch. I am totally new here and really no idea how this program works yet. I am a mum with 2 boys - an almost 4 year old and a 12 week old. I want to lose the excess weight that I have gained from my first pregnancy and never really lost. I want to be more happy mentally and more able to…