stay at home mom looking for motivation buddies!

hello all!! After the birth of my second ( a year ago ahhhh!!) I put on about 50 lbs. I've submitted myself to sweatpants and messy hair and I really hate it. My husband is naturally fit and can basically eat what he wants without issue. He says he loves me no matter what and "loves" how I look. This is sweet of him but it makes it super easy to fall off the bandwagon. Looking for people to help me put down the cookie and stay focused. We bought an elliptical because its too hard to go to the gym with one car and little ones... I was only able to go 10 minutes this morning and it was extremely discouraging.. Ugggh. I've also started a diet bet today.. Maybe losing money will make me accountable? I'd love to meet some SAHMs who have a plan that's working, and I'd love to cheerlead you back!! Thanks! :)


  • tariksehovic
    tariksehovic Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me , if you need any support or guidance just ask
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    Hi NewMommy! I'm not a stay at home mom, but I'm working on it. Hopefully in August. I have a 5 and an 8 year old. I completely understand how it is for the lbs to creep up. My hubby also says I look great, and yes that makes it easier to keep eating the cookies and cupcakes. I joined 21 days ago, and I have lost 5 lbs. Before that I was working out for about 3 months and lost nothing. MFP has been a huge help!!! You got this!!!!
  • albrightsamantha
    Hey newmommy, I know your struggle! I just had my second child 2 weeks ago. Sounds like we have the same issues, add me and we can be a support system for each other!
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm not a SAHM, but I am a new mom. I have an infant that will be a year old this month and I still have not lost any of my pregnancy weight.

    I can tell you this though. I just started T25 two weeks ago and for the entire first week I had to use the modifier. Now I'm able to follow Shawn and his team for part of the time and use the modifier the other parts. It takes time to make progress. Just keep at it every day and you will eventually be able to go further, longer, faster!

    The best recommendation I can make is to take your measurements! I don't have a scale at home, but I weigh myself once a week at work. In the last three weigh-ins I have not lost ANY weight. BUT, I have lost inches off of my neck, waist, bust, butt, and thigh! Also, find a workout you enjoy. If you hate getting on the elliptical, you are less likely to do it. I also do water aerobics twice a week and absolutely love it!

    Try different things until you find something that you like. Take the kids for a walk around the block, use them in your workouts (have one lay on the floor and give them a kiss every time you go down for a push-up, use the baby as weights and do arm curls, race across the backyard, etc). Just DON"T GIVE UP! It's so easy to do and be lazy when your husband says he loves you just the way you are (mine tells me that too). Tell yourself that you are only hurting yourself if you don't get up and move. And remind yourself that this change is for you, your husband and your kids to live the best life you all can live!

    I've sent you an FR and will be here to support you along the way! Good luck and keep it up!
  • MadiFromTheBurg
    I'm a stay at home mom! I love it and plan to have more kids!! I gained 60 pounds with my first( shes 13 months now) and lost 30 right after i had her but can't get rid of the rest. :( I also only have an elliptical and can usually only go about 20 mins. Hopefully we can support each other since we sorta in the same boat. :)
  • JenRoblin
    JenRoblin Posts: 8 Member
    Hey...I'll add you as a friend. I am also a SAHM to 2 kids. My baby girl is 11 months old and I am on the weight loss train as well. I gained 38 pounds with both my pregnancies and was left with 16 pounds to drop with both my pregnancies. I did it with my son and I will do it again.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I'm a SAHM to a 9 month old. I'm over halfway to goal weight, and do all my exercises at home since hubby is away on assignment. Friend request sent! :flowerforyou:
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    Im a sahm
    I got at my most out of shape with my second baby
    I started 8months after... I lost 55lbs in 6 months
    Then gained 40lbs back :-(
    But now i lost 20 and im ok with my weight just perfecting
    the bod now! :-)
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    I'm a SAHM, boy who's 5.5, girl 3. I've been in the obese category for what feels like forever, and I never had the time to really figure out how to eat better or to exercise. But with using MFP it's gotten so much better. And preschool. Of course. :)I'd love to have more buddies on MFP.
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi! I am a stay/work at home mom with a 4 year old who will be going off to school this fall. I gained over 60 pounds from my pregnancy and am working on the last 15-20 pounds. I am no stranger to MFP but it has been this yo-yo relationship between us over the past 2 years. I returned to MFP at the end of January to refocus myself on my goals especially as I transition into vegetarianism. I am amazed that I still have friends left after my hiatus but I did lose some; I am looking forward for new faces on my feed to help support and motivate. Since returning, I have lost 10 pounds so MFP is such an important tool for me. Feel free (anyone) to add me. Best wishes!!!
  • WannaBeSexyAt40
    Hi New Mommy. I'm not a mommy, but I'm here anytime for support. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. Good luck to you!
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Hi NewMommy!

    I'm also a stay at home mom of a 5 year old and almost 2 year old. I each pregnany left me 30 pounds heavier after delivery. My husband says the same thing, that I'm sexy and loves me no matter what my size. Coming from a guy who works out at least once a week for work (and needs more calories in one day than I get in an entire week just to maintain his 130lbs), it's a bit maddening to me sometimes. Add me if you like. I've been a member on here for awhile, but just started using it seriously earlier this week
  • AtHomeFitness4U
    There is a new workout program that was just released last month called The 21 Day Fix. If you were looking for anything like this, I think it'd be the one for you. It is a 21 day program with a daily half hour workout. The best feature however is the nutrition guide. It comes with 7 specially sized, and color coded containers, which are what you eat from for the program. It's so simple. Basically "if it fits in the container you can eat it!" This plan takes all the guesswork out of nutrition. The test group we have going on right now has seen ladies losing up to 9 lbs in the first week alone!

    Along with the program, you get my services as a free fitness coach. I provide you with daily motivation, accountability, and general health and fitness tips. If you commit to the program, I can guarantee you will lose at least 15 lbs in the 21 day duration, while learning and forming new habits to keep it off for good.

    Add me as a friend if this is something you may be interested in! I would LOVE to help you out!
  • kerryjenkinson78
    kerryjenkinson78 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a stay at home mum too. I have a 5 month old and a 4 year old. after my first born I lost then regained again so I m determined after William was born in October to lose it all.
    I have been on MFP since January and loving it!
    Please add me as I would love friends for motivation and support, coz some days are hard!
    Best of luck with your journey!
  • missy0936
    missy0936 Posts: 1,507 Member
    Hello all. I am also a SAHM of a 6 yr old and a 2 yr old, both very active little boys. I started my first pregnancy about 20 pounds over weight and after birth was left with another 40 on top of that. I was able to lose the 40 by the time the next pregnancy came but never to an ideal weight, in fact I don't recall the last time I was an ideal weight, I've always been a bit chubby. Now that the second baby is 2 I was really hoping to be able to get on track and lose the weight I need, 45 pounds in all. I woke up on my 31st birthday in Dec just disgusted ate how bad it had gotten, since then I have lost 18 pounds and I am still trying but finding myself needing motivation to stay on track. It seems like I do great for a couple weeks then I fall off for a couple weeks and I know from past experience once I fall off I tend to stay off and gain and gain and gain, that is where I am now. Mentally I am totally focused but as you mommys know there are always dishes, meals, food shopping, naps, diaper changes, a million things to do and I just keep saying after this I'll go work out , oh wait no after this, so on and so forth until it's 6 pm and I need to make dinner before my hubby gets home and then once he's home it's dinner, baths, bed and then my bed time.... I need to find a way to bring what my brain is saying to my body. Feel free to add me, I'd love to hear how other SAHM are conquering daily life.