

  • Thanks! I'll do the 10/10/10 then. I too dislike press ups - I am not good at them at all, so I do the easy version anyway.
  • I love it! I have just done day 5, level one, and I can feel such a difference already! I feel so much stronger and have more stamina than before! I have even had a 2lb loss since day one, and dropped my BMI by 0.28! Does anyone know when you move up a level? Do you do 10 days of each, or just progress when you feel ready?…
  • Having a young child and a husband that rarely works anywhere near home, I seldom have the opportunity to go to classes. I have Wii Zumba Fitness - it is amazing! The workout I do is only 20 minutes (I do beginner class 2) and it is very energetic. It works all your body, so a great overall workout. I use wrist weight too…
    in Zumba Comment by pikabeck September 2011
  • I'm in too assuming my DVD arrives today from Amazon! Let's do it!
  • I love them. I have the Belly Fat Buster one (I love the pilates segment) and the pure Pilates one. I really like the lady on them too. I have noticed a difference, and like what others have said, I use them as an add on after my Wii Zumba Fitness workout. I also have the 'Dance' one (not done it yet), but we watched it…
  • Definately - it's been a real driver in me losing a lot of weight twice (1st time baby weight, 2nd time weight put back on sitting at a desk all day long!) If anything, the Body Tests spur you on to achieve, plus the exercises are OK too - I use the muscle exercises daily after doing pilates and Zumba. I used to enjoy the…
    in Wii fit. Comment by pikabeck June 2011