kimrb0107 Member


  • Starbucks Peppermint Java Chip Frappuccino....sigh.....Its a bad bad addiction I had/have. Day 3 on Keto and I've been debating if one a week would hurt but I am trying to stay strong and stay AWAY.
  • I am having the same issues with finding snacks especially for when I am on the go. The other day I had some turkey pepperoni. I heated them up in the microwave for about 2min and they came out crunchy like chips. I agree that I feel like it's wrong to eat these things as snacks. lol
  • I've been having MFP but never actually used it...until now! lol It's day 3 on Keto and I am also looking for friends with the same goals as well as people to help me stay motivated! Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • I just started yesterday. I've done something similar before...quite a few years ago. I won't say it was keto because I never really kept track of anything but was very strict with my carb intake and lost around 60 lbs. Since then I have gained it all back plus more so here I am again trying to re-train myself and lose it…