janetdavis927 Member


  • Thanks for the imput...I can relate to using food as a coping mechanism. It did get me through some rough times in my childhood as well. I wish I could figure out what I need comfort from now....probably a lot of stress from work.. I do truly hate my job and dread going to work daily. However, changing jobs is not an…
  • I'm pretty new to the group also....but I've found MFP to be great motivation. Making a food and .exercise diary helps a great deal. It doesn't have to be expensive to work out. Walking is great when you can get outdoors, otherwise...walking dvds or other workout dvds can be bought at Walmart for about 9 dollars or so and…
  • Hi! I'm new to the group and feel I've discovered a God send for being able to participate. My hardest times are on my days off work (as today) and when I get off work in the late evening. It really isn't that I'm hungry, I have plans for those situations....It's that I feel I need my comfort foods because I'm feeling…
  • I'm starting this group rather late in the month, but I want to be a part of the challenge. I generally walk about 20 miles a week with Leslie Sansone...and I have to say that I absolutely ADORE her! I'm in for 50 miles this month...Yay, let's go!!
  • I think it's best to weigh yourself once a week at approximately the same time. I weigh after I get up in the morning and go to the bathroom. Weight flucuates through the day, so it''s important to weigh at the same time.
  • Hi Nicole I would love to give and receive support on this endeavor. I'm trying to lose 70 lbs. as well. I have a lot of problems as I'm a stress eater and tend to use food as a comfort system. I've gotten back into working out daily with Leslie Sansone walking videos, the best I can do with my bad knees...but I absolutely…