In need of motivation

Hello everyone!!! I've been on MFP for about a I'm in need of motivation. I'm 5'2 and I weigh 168 lbs and I'm trying to get to 140. My family and "friends" have no faith in me what so ever and I'm constantly hearing how big I am or how if my stomach was flat i would look ok and it irritates my soul. I don't have the money to really join a gym or buy healtiest of food but i try. I NEED to to get healthy. I'm so stressed about what I see and I'm so tired of loving a dress, shirt or pants but the stores not having it in my size. I'm tired of being the fat "friend" and I need motivation to help me to help myself to lose this flab.


  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Motivation comes from within. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what ANYONE else thinks of you; it only matters what YOU think of you.

    I suggest cutting back on portion sizes in small increments, stop/don't drink your calories, and try to add in fruits and veggies. Good luck to you!
  • SaltNBurnBoys
    SaltNBurnBoys Posts: 170 Member
    I understand that completely. My dad is from the Deep South, so when I pulled out my food scale on Saturday to weigh the ribs he'd made, he just scoffed. My whole family thinks I'm ridiculous and that I'll be back to eating crap again by the end of the month. And in the past, they'd be right. But MFP is an incredible resource for so many reasons, and we'll both get there if we just keep at it.

    Feel free to friend me. I'm always looking for people to go through this process with. :smile:
  • rennacoco
    i can't imagine doing this without support from my friends or family, so the fact that you're going to try this is amazing in itself. as far as food goes, you don't have to eat clean or go on some crazy expensive diet to lose weight. it's all about moderation and portion sizes. i still eat chips, all the time actually, but i only eat a serving size and i buy the baked ones because they have fewer calories. i haven't gone to the gym since i started working out, but i've lost 12 pounds through eating less and workout dvds. you can find a lot of good ones online and some of them are relatively cheap at target and walmart. feel free to add me as a friend, i log everyday :)
  • janetdavis927
    janetdavis927 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm pretty new to the group also....but I've found MFP to be great motivation. Making a food and .exercise diary helps a great deal.

    It doesn't have to be expensive to work out. Walking is great when you can get outdoors, otherwise...walking dvds or other workout dvds can be bought at Walmart for about 9 dollars or so and you can workout in your home. The dvds can be very motivational.

    Drink lots of water and concentrate on healthier choices for you meals and snacks. There are a lot of good food plans on the internet, but I've found that making good choices, portion control and recording calories in the diary is the best for me.

    Good luck!..You know we are all in this journey together. :)
  • transformme2014
    I just want to get healthy more from me than for anyone else. I'm not a big meat eater ( pork chicken or beef) but I love seafood and sweets and snack foods. I also love potatoes (especially fries) and just fast food in general. I also love fruit and veggies. That's my problem. I need new fulfilling recipies. Also, what are some of the DVDs or exercises that you feel work the best for you? I live in michigan and walking in these winter months suck.
  • rennacoco
    it sounds like fish would be a good choice for you. as far as sweets, i occasionally have a sweet tooth and i really like the weight watchers ice cream cones (90 calories) and fudge bars (45 calories) and fiber one bars (90 calories). i looove french fries, too, but i've switched to sweet potato fries. the ones i buy from the freezer section have 130 calories/serving (3 ounces).

    as far as exercise dvds, i've mostly been doing a latin dance video that i got at walmart. it came in a box set—2 dvds and a mini ball for ab exercises—and it was only $20. it's really great for cardio and it's fun. i also have jillian michaels' 30ds, which is a combo of strength training and cardio. you could also try blogilates (all of the videos are on youtube and there's also a website that has a lot of great stuff).
  • shestillthick
    Hi, I just joined MFP today and I decided to respond to your post because it sounds like you're worried about what others think about you. The reality is that if you're ok with yourself then that's fine BUT if YOU are not then that's when you make a decision to change for the better. I noticed that you were mentioning that you like snaking and fast food. Those two things will help you to gain weight quickly especially if you do not monitor what you eat. My suggestion for you would be to eat clean and give up sweets for five days and watch how your body changes. Eating clean is really easy because all you have to do is cook your food from fresh. Avoid processed foods, don't eat foods that come in a box or package, unless its fresh. Skip the fast food unless you're getting a salad. Increase your water intake and become active. You can do little things such as spread out 100 squats in a 4 hour time block. So for example, 5am =10 squats, 6am=20, 7am=30, and 8am=40. Since you love seafood, you can eat more of it and drastically reduce your calories. I know that you'll be fine just make sure that whatever you do in life is because you want to do it and not because someone else has something to say.