

  • According to the calculators your calorie intake would be 1770 calories per day to lose the weight by July 4. The problem with the calculators is they are based on averages and we are all individuals. My metabolism is such that i have always had to eat less calories than the calculators indicate- by about 200 calories on…
  • You absolutely can gain muscle and do gain muscle on a calorie deficit as long as you are doing the work to gain muscle- exercise, strength training etc. This is well proven.
  • The story of my life- 2x for just under and over 100 lbs. Smaller amounts other times. As far as I can tell it isn't about unsustainable diets or the type of diet that you use, it is about taking your foot off the brake. Some people are lucky and they can do what the docs say "just go back to a living a healthy lifestyle…
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