MTinaB Member


  • Wow, I am impressed. You are an inspiration!!! Thanks for your post. Did you count your calories as well on WW?
  • Hello, so glad for your success. How long did it take for you to lose the 19 lbs? Are you peri-menopausal like me? I am 48 and having a ****ens of a time losing weight, but after reading everyone's posts I am thinking I may be eating too many calories. It looks like 1500 calories may be too much for me now that I am…
  • Hello Healthygreek, I appreciate your advice. Your calorie count seems low for a 1 pound weight loss per week, but I know you also mentioned that you ate 1/2 of your workout calories back and it looks like you are very active. I am 48 years old and I am starting to have irregular menses and I have had a few hot flashes in…
  • I am 48 and have been off and on MFP but I love it! I am in peri-menopause and hate the way my body is reacting! Ugh! I have put on 10 lbs in the past 5 months and I am having the worst time taking it I need to lose 80 lbs instead of 70 and I have never been this heavy!!! I am desperate for advice and you have had…
  • I don't think you're eating enough protein. I have to have, eggs or a protein shake with at least 25 grams of protein in it, in the morning, or I am hungry 2 hours later, as well. Though your choices are great they also look very low in calories, so you can add a little protein in without causing your total calories to go…