Post-Menopause and Weight loss



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    There is absolutely no reason why being menopausal should make weight loss any different than any other time in life. The problem is usually losing lean muscle mass so the key is to be active and not let that happen. It's more of an old wives tale to explain the middle age spread than it is based in fact. As we age we do less, eat more, gain weight and lose muscle. Reverse all of those and you'll be fine.

    This. 49 years young here.
  • blgmw2
    blgmw2 Posts: 171 Member
    putting hand up -confessing to being post menapausal..(hate the freaking flushes!!). I have lost 37 lbs since January from eating less and moving more. I walk...and I walk..and then I walk some more. Food wise, I am doing 5:2 and thoroughly enjoy my weekends, useless at constantly logging...but hey ho. Do NOT let being post menapausal lead you to think you can not lose weight...cuz ou CAN!!...good luck with your lifestyle change :-)

    I agree!
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    There is absolutely no reason why being menopausal should make weight loss any different than any other time in life. The problem is usually losing lean muscle mass so the key is to be active and not let that happen. It's more of an old wives tale to explain the middle age spread than it is based in fact. As we age we do less, eat more, gain weight and lose muscle. Reverse all of those and you'll be fine.

    I eat less and workout harder now, in my 50's, than I did in my 20's to maintain the same weight.

    One of my friends was trying to give me a hard time about wearing my BodyMedia Fit, saying I was thin and didn't need it. I replied that I did if I wanted to stay this way. A couple of months later she apologized--her doctor had taken her off of her BCP because he said she was in menopause, and she gained 10 pounds in a month. Changes in estrogen can certainly screw with your weight. Losing testosterone makes it harder for men to lose weight as well.
  • Hi
    Having the same problem as you..Just cant seem to throw away the extra pounds no matter what....Have tried i think every thing i could and excercise everyday but to no benefit.....Have started fitness pal since three weeks and have been 100 calories less almost everyday but am gaining 800 grms instead.....want to cry
  • I would love to join your group
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Surgically-induced menopause for me (uterine hysterectomy in 2009, ovary removed January of this year), and am currently taking estradiol. I managed to lose all my weight AFTER my first surgery, and have been maintaining for over two years with no struggles. It *CAN* be done if you work hard enough at it!
  • Tricianufac
    Tricianufac Posts: 4 Member
    This is very interesting. 2 years post menapause and just started tracking today. I am not exercising at the moment and enjoy dancing and maybe zumba. I am going to try 30 mins a day three times a week !! feeling very inspired by all you ladies out there:happy: :happy:
  • Tricianufac
    Tricianufac Posts: 4 Member
    Hi are you counting your calories and exercising ?
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    I had to really think whether or not to respond here.
    Women's bodies do change after and during menopause and it is harder to throw the weigh off. This does have to do with decreased estrogen and progesterone. BTW there are plenty of studies out of the Mayo clinic that show men's belly fat is caused by their decrease in estrogen as well(which if you ever took Bio 101 you would know they DO produce)
    However, it can be done. Using the extra work required as an excuse isn't really going to fly because there are so many women in here who have gone that extra mile. Yes it will be slower . Yes there will up and down days. But the success stories are what keep you going. You may need to add in an extra cardio. You may need to watch what foods you eat not just caloric content. I am big advocate for increasing spinach and foods high in potassium as women run low on potassium statistically. But it can be done.
    FR sent
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm 60-20 years without a period due to early menopause.
    I lost the bulk of my excess weight before menopause and then about 20 pounds after to bring me to my goal weight.
    I ate 1200 plus 1/2-all of my exercise calories back.
    I workout 6 days per week for an hour plus light lifting 3x per week. On the seventh day, I take a long walk with DH.
    I had a few post-menopausal symptoms during pre-menopause but only some aches and pains of being 60 remain and I feel great for the most part.
    I, personally did not notice a difference in the rate of weightloss. As long as I was in a deficit, I lost at a steady rate of 1 pound a week.
    I will try to exercise for the remainder of my life to feel good and keep moving and limber.
    I eat mostly a Medditeranean diet including dark chocolate most days.
    My menopause was natural not surgical.
  • Hi everyone! A newbie here and would love to join the group!

    I am having such a hard time keeping the weight off with menopause, ugh! Looking for fun, optimistic women my age for friendship and chat!

  • 4msmayes206
    4msmayes206 Posts: 5 Member
    You're doing very well. Looking good!!
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    You are the same as I am. No change in weight in 3 years. I am 52 and not hit full menopause yet. I know it's coming! I wish I could be as motivated as you are. Some of the posts that repsonded to yours are very inspirational. I would like to have any of you women friend me as extra support! I have a injury in my neck so has been tough since winter not being able to exercise that much. The recumbant bike is a good idea. So boring but perhaps I'll move it in front of the tv.

    THANKS for sharing.
  • MTinaB
    MTinaB Posts: 5 Member
    I am 48 and have been off and on MFP but I love it! I am in peri-menopause and hate the way my body is reacting! Ugh! I have put on 10 lbs in the past 5 months and I am having the worst time taking it I need to lose 80 lbs instead of 70 and I have never been this heavy!!! I am desperate for advice and you have had so much success that I would love to know what you are eating, how mush water you drink and how much exercise you are doing. I currently do Wii fit for an hour 2 to 3 times per week and ride a spinning bike 2 to 3 times per week for about 45 minutes. I try to keep my calories to about 1200 to 1500 and I drink about 70 to 80 ounces of water a day but if I go over even just 500 calories I will gain 1 or 2 pounds in one day!!! I know that it is probably water retention because 500 extra calories would not make me gain that much fat, but it has been worse now in the summer with warmer whether and I am starting to have hot flashes! Help!!!! I appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks again.
  • MTinaB
    MTinaB Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Healthygreek,

    I appreciate your advice. Your calorie count seems low for a 1 pound weight loss per week, but I know you also mentioned that you ate 1/2 of your workout calories back and it looks like you are very active. I am 48 years old and I am starting to have irregular menses and I have had a few hot flashes in the last month. Did you find that during the summer months you had a harder time loosing? I have increased my water intake from 50-60 ounces a day to 70-80 which seems to help when I am in an air conditioned building all day but if I am at home (no AC) I retain more water?! I know TMI but I am desperate and it seems like you have it down. I keep my calories around 1500 cals a day and I exercise 5 days a week for about 45-60 minutes each time. But I have actually gained 10 pounds in 5 months...if I eat just 500 more calories a day I will gain 1-2 lbs! I should mention that I am not perfect 100% of the time, but what I do now used to work in the past...Help!!!! :sad:
  • stepkiko
    stepkiko Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with Mokey, I do not believe it has anything to do with being menopausal. I lost over 70 pounds after going through the "dreaded change". I worked WW for a year and dropped the pounds. Just had to stick to my guns about changing how and what I eat!
  • MTinaB
    MTinaB Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, so glad for your success. How long did it take for you to lose the 19 lbs? Are you peri-menopausal like me? I am 48 and having a ****ens of a time losing weight, but after reading everyone's posts I am thinking I may be eating too many calories. It looks like 1500 calories may be too much for me now that I am approaching 50. Thanks for your advice!
  • MTinaB
    MTinaB Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, I am impressed. You are an inspiration!!! Thanks for your post. Did you count your calories as well on WW?
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    Oh no! How many hours of exercise to actually lose then :(
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    Yep extra cardio, build muscle and watch the carbs. I was told to get mine below 200 and ultimately 125 and below. Not that hard to do, but it's really easy to mess up the day. Carbs are every where.

    Please can you tell me what you mean by 'below 200 and ultimately 125 and below'?
