

  • 1200 calories is not very many calories if you are exercising each day. How much are you exercising? I've found that I have to enter in fewer calories burned for the exercise than what is typically reported. I've been exercising for years, so I think my body is more efficient at burning calories (ex. typically, the…
  • I'm trying to lose the last 5-7 lbs. (AGAIN- urgh!) I'm an avid runner and have been for years. 3 weeks ago, I started doing Supreme 90 day. This is a cheap version of P90X. I bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond for $20.00. I LOVE it! The workouts are about 30, plus a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down (40 min. total most…
  • no-cook oatmeal - equal parts of yogurt and oats (Old Fashioned) - add whatever you like but I add the following: *mixture of raisins and craisins *cocoa *cinnamon mix and eat Mix and match the following in any combination, or individually, but keep in mind the calories add up quickly: variations - some days I add 1 of the…
  • I do Anusara yoga. It's important to find a good teacher. I would recommend going to a class a few times, at least, to learn the proper alignment of poses. www.yogatoday.com has some great anusara classes with beautiful scenery (although you miss a lot of the scenery when you are in the pose) . Each wk they offer 1 free…
    in Yoga Comment by happyfeet262 July 2011
  • I'm new to MFP. I'm in my 4th week. Orginally, the MFP plan said if I would reach my goal in 5 wks. While I have lost some weight, I will not meet my goal next week, but I have been at, or under my calories almost every day. I think I have stabilized and will have to eat fewer calories, or more exercise to meet my goal.…
  • I'm 5'10 and my goal weight is 140-143. I am a runner and think that this would be my best "running weight". In general, if I'm around 145 I feel fine. If I get up to 150, I feel uncomfortable. Everyone is different! As a general rule, I have read many times that a healthy weight is 5 feet = 100 lbs, and then add on 5 lbs…
  • I have read many times that a good general rule for a healthy weight is 5 feet = 100 lbs, and then add 5 lbs for each 1 inch over 5 feet tall. So 5'9 would be 145 for the recommend weight, BUT everyone is certainly different and has different bone structure, etc. I'm 5'10 and currently 147, my goal is 140-143 ish. I do NOT…
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