esteingruby Member


  • No, I'm sorry about that too! That has been my goal for the next year, to be more accurate at putting in my food. You're right, that wouldnt be healthy if I were only eating 800-900 per day. I usually plan my main meals the day before and input them. I often forget to put in a couple snackies and munchies I have throughout…
  • Thanks! It has been so helpful for me to find other tall women to be friends with on here. The "ideal" weight range is so vast for our height it is tough to determine a healthy goal weight. Initially, I never thought I'd make it under 150-that was my ULTIMATE goal weight. But, I recently started kickboxing and that is how…
  • I too hate veggies. But I just tell myself I have to eat them, because I don't get to eat the stuff I do like! These are somethings I have tried: 1. Stir fry green-beans and tomatoes with chicken. Watch out for the sodium in soy sauce though! Add some garlic for more flavor. 2. Try "faux Potatoes". You use cauliflower, a…
  • I am 5'10 and wear heels to work almost everyday. Working in a field filled predominately filled with men, i feel like being the same height gives me an advantage! When I can look them straight in the eye, they get the point that I am their equal......not just a girl who can be "looked down on". Love being a tall, strong,…
  • There is nothing I hate more than when people say, " you're already so tall, why would you wear heels?" Just because we are tall doesn't mean our selection of clothing and shoes should be limited! I wear heels because I WANT to and I LIKE them! So get over it, Shortys!
    in Heels! Comment by esteingruby March 2012