I HATE vegetables!

Well, I really don't hate them but I don't like them much. I'll eat a salad or steamed broccoli with cheese sauce but I just do not like the texture or taste of most vegetables. I have to force myself to eat them and the whole time I'm just chewing and chewing with no enjoyment whatsoever. I'd like to find some simple recipes (because let's face it I'm lazy and having to take 1/2 hour to just prep the veggies is annoying as heck) that I can make quickly and that I might actually like. I'm open to suggestions because if it were up to me I'd never eat another vegetable in my life. Ideas... thoughts ... recipes ... Many thanks!


  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    I buy frozen cauliflower and I like it with spaghetti sauce and Parmesan cheese. I copied it from one of my friends diaries. I'll try anything once. But this I like.
  • boodlelibra
    boodlelibra Posts: 74 Member
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It's incredibly easy to get yourself used to eating almost any food. Just start eating it regularly and over time your pallete will adjust. Of course veggies don't taste as good as big macs and ice cream, but that's b/c they're not loaded with artificial flavors and sugar.

    So stop complaining and start eating veggies! Buy baby spinach, broccoli, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, etc., put them in a bowl, add dressing, mix it up, and eat. Do it everyday!
  • cerdmann
    cerdmann Posts: 60
    Not complaining... just asking for ideas to make veggies more platable. No complaints ... just truly seeking ideas. And, by the way, I don't eat fast food or anything loaded with sugar. Just not a fan of the texture and taste of veggies.
  • rawegman
    rawegman Posts: 18
    I'm not a fan of vegetables either, but I find carrots bearable to eat at times. Just eat veggies that you may find a little appealing. Anything is better then nothing!
  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    If you hate prep time try some of the frozen vegetable medleys with sauces and stuff from the freezer section...if you don't mind the sodium although some I've gotten aren't that high. They are good to me and easy because you just throw the whole bag into the microwave.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Well, I really don't hate them but I don't like them much. I'll eat a salad or steamed broccoli with cheese sauce but I just do not like the texture or taste of most vegetables. I have to force myself to eat them and the whole time I'm just chewing and chewing with no enjoyment whatsoever. I'd like to find some simple recipes (because let's face it I'm lazy and having to take 1/2 hour to just prep the veggies is annoying as heck) that I can make quickly and that I might actually like. I'm open to suggestions because if it were up to me I'd never eat another vegetable in my life. Ideas... thoughts ... recipes ... Many thanks!

    That's weird.
  • mss_anthropy
    mss_anthropy Posts: 31 Member
    i'm vegetarian and don't really care for vegetables either lol. odd, i know. i find that by tossing them with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roasting them until brown in the oven makes them taste better, to me. this is how i cook my broccoli, zucchini, and even brussel sprouts. it can also be done with carrots..... but, i hate carrots. in my mind, there is no saving those nasty *kitten*. :) hope this helps....
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I like veggies for the most part, but I hate eating salad. I just juice them to get the nutrients. Too many easy ways to add more stuff to my veggies whether it be dressing, dips, cheese, butter, brown sugar, etc.

    I also use green smoothies to get my leafy greens in. Grilling some mushrooms on kabobs are always awesome. May just need to try different ways of preparing it to start liking it (or tolerating it better)
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    I love my vegetables!!! hehehe try to incorporate vegetables into other meals that you love so you can mask the taste
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I just got off the phone, conference call. Brocolli, Asparagus and Spinach all said the same
    THEY HATE YOU! I was shocked
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    I agree with some other people here. At first, they are hard to adjust to. But, with time, they become incredibly enjoyable as your palate adjusts to real food and is able to taste the subtle flavors of each

    Just keep choking them down and eventually you will find you love them!
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    I loooove veggies but I never eat as many as I like. I buy veggies and freeze them together so I can always have something easy on hand to add to meals. Ex: I mix sliced mushrooms, thin sliced red and green peppers, onions, and garlic together and freeze in single-serve containers/baggies. Then, when I want to add some to spaghetti, an omelet, or even for topping a burger, I thaw it and saute real fast. Honestly, I've been lazy and just throw in the pan frozen sometimes, but you get a little extra water in there that way.

    You can grate carrot, zucchini, and other veggies that go well with sweet things and add to pancake batter.

    I think the problem with veggies is that they tend to be prepared poorly (no seasonings, overcooked, undercooked, etc.) I second what someone said earlier - roasting veggies brings out sugars that you wouldn't think were there. I've roasted just about everything - broccoli, brussels, beets, turnips (and i hate turnips unless they're roasted) - drizzle with a good non-extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, maybe some balsamic or whatever sounds good. It doesn't have to be complicated!

    What veggies do you not totally hate?
  • cerdmann
    cerdmann Posts: 60
    I just got off the phone, conference call. Brocolli, Asparagus and Spinach all said the same
    THEY HATE YOU! I was shocked

    HA! Glad to know the feeling is mutual ... but ya' know, I did correct myself in the post to say I just don't "like" them. :o)
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    When my kids would not eat veg I would par boil then chop half liquidize half and add to mince or use as a gravy worked really well
  • cerdmann
    cerdmann Posts: 60
    Thanks, these are good ideas! I will try bagging them and freezing for later use. Carrots are okay and I've included shredded carrots in a lot of things just to sneek in vegetables. I am not a fan of brussel sprouts, spinach (I keep trying but just don't like it), green peppers (red, yellow and orange are okay in fajitas), kale ... okay mostly green stuff. I love mushrooms and onions but the onions do not like me.
  • esteingruby
    esteingruby Posts: 6 Member
    I too hate veggies. But I just tell myself I have to eat them, because I don't get to eat the stuff I do like! These are somethings I have tried:

    1. Stir fry green-beans and tomatoes with chicken. Watch out for the sodium in soy sauce though! Add some garlic for more flavor.

    2. Try "faux Potatoes". You use cauliflower, a little milk( Im allergic to mild so I use soy), and a little butter. Put it in a food processor and pulse. They should have the texture of mashed potatoes.

    3. I also use squash and zucchini and dice them very small and hide them in whatever I'm eating.

    4. I eat scrambled eggs or egg whites with roma tomatoes mixed in. Season with oregano or something else with low sodium.

    These are just a few ideas from a fellow veggie hater :)
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    It's incredibly easy to get yourself used to eating almost any food. Just start eating it regularly and over time your pallete will adjust. Of course veggies don't taste as good as big macs and ice cream, but that's b/c they're not loaded with artificial flavors and sugar.

    So stop complaining and start eating veggies! Buy baby spinach, broccoli, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, etc., put them in a bowl, add dressing, mix it up, and eat. Do it everyday!

    You are right. I forced myself to eat veggies for a week instead of carbs and now I like eating them. Although I still mostly stick to a few kinds of veggies.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You hate potatoes?
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Not complaining... just asking for ideas to make veggies more platable.
