I HATE vegetables!



  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    carrots w/brown sugar glaze. That was the only way my mom could get my brothers & I to eat carrots when we were kids.... just cook the carrots til tender, add a lil brown sugar & butter (mom used real butter). Its very yummy!!! I still eat them that way. I dont load up on the brown sugar & butter, a lil goes a long way.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    Roasting makes almost anything tast amazing! Mix your veggies with a bit of olive oil, a little salt, maybe some red pepper flakes, thrown them in the oven and enjoy.
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    try snap peas/snow peas. they are VERY quick to cook (like a couple minutes), and you can eat them hot or chill them and eat them with hummus. if you chill them, you can also put them in salad with sesame seeds and a bit of soy sauce and nuts - yummmmmmmmm! (this is coming from a person who also hates vegetables)
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    oh and another thing - i put a couple cups of spinach into my fruit smoothies in the morning with a little peanut butter. i can't taste the spinach at all! it gets masked behind the fruit flavors. here's my recipe:

    2.5 cups spinach
    .5 cup water
    .5 cup almond milk
    1 tablespoon peanut butter
    1 cup frozen blueberries
    .5 cup frozen strawberries
    1 whole banana

    so good!!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I used to not eat salad and any veggies except corn. I learned to adjust and find ways to make them likeable to me. Sometimes it's the way they are cooked that can be off-putting, too. However, you still couldn't force me to eat broccoli or peas. Blech, the smell and taste of broccoli and the mushy texture of peas.

    I found after trying it more, I love cauliflower. I roast some on a pan with a little olive oil, garlic salt, & pepper at 400 degrees. You can change up to whatever seasonings you like.

    I also learned that I like certain types of greens for salad. So maybe try different types to find one you like?
    For my salads, it's usually mixed chopped bell peppers, some feta, chicken, sunflower seed or croutons, dried fruit, etc. Find what you like & throw it in there.

    Sweet potatoes cut like fries and drizzled with olive oil, garlic salt , & pepper and baked at 400 is soooo good, too.

    You can always hide veggies in smoothies , soups, cut them real small in stir fry, etc.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I love sauteed zucchini in the tiniest bit of butter and adding a sprinkle of seasoned salt.

    I like the cauliflower with spaghetti sauce idea. I'll have to try that.

    I think you should go around eating as much variety of vegetables as you can, in as many ways as you can, because you're bound to like SOMETHING. :)

    Try cold, sliced cucumber with some lime squeezed onto it, and a sprinkle of salt or chili powder. (I do a little bit of both, but my roommate insists it's because Hispanic people eat everything with chili powder.) It makes the perfect snack!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    http://www.doitdelicious.com/...lot's of great recipes to as you said "sneak" in veggies, but I guess if you're the cook and you have long term memory you can't really sneak them on yourself, but whatever!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Try roasting them, makes them taste so sweet, mix in some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, yummy!

    How about stir frying some with garlic and soya sauce for a different flavour.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    What foods do you like to eat? There are probably ways to incorporate veggies rather painlessly.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    Sometimes it's the way they are cooked that can be off-putting, too. However, you still couldn't force me to eat broccoli or peas. Blech, the smell and taste of broccoli and the mushy texture of peas.

    try FRESH peas...they are totally different than canned peas, like it's not even the same vegetable...that different! I like frozen ones too, but the FRESH ones are NOT mushy in the least!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Try fresh veggies dipped in hummus. Use celery it's crunchy and can easily take the place of chips. If you make your own hummus you can throw a red pepper in the food processor or a cup or two of baby spinach. As for the brussel sprouts, I don't know how you've prepared them before but, my two favorite ways are to either cut into qtrs, steam them until tender but still bright green, then make a dressing of 1/2 squeezed lemon juice, and two tbsp olive oil, fresh garlic and fresh or dried dill. drizzle the lemon dressing over the steamed veggies and voila! The second way, cut in half put in a glass baking dish, toss with olive oil and chopped garlic. Cover the glass dish with foil and roast @ 450-475 for 15-20 minutes. Take the foil off, stir around and test. If you want them softer toss them in with out the foil for about 5 minutes.

    For prep time, roasting always seems easiest. Just chop veggies toss with olive oil and put in a glass baking dish, cover with foil throw in the oven 20-45 minutes depending on size of vegetable and while they are roasting you can cook whatever else you are planning.
  • I used to hate veggies too, and I'm still not particularly fond of them but I try my best to hide them in things like a smoothie.

    Here is my smoothie recipe and you can't even taste the spinach (believe me, I was leery too - but you can't taste it):
    1 cup frozen strawberries
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 banana
    1 tbsp flax seed
    2 or 3 cups baby spinach
    Water/ almond milk

    BLEND and enjoy :) I add lots of water to mine so it has a 'juice consistency' and is super refreshing.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Maybe try grilling some. We love grilled red bell peppers, Zuchini and squash are good this way too. Corn on the cobb too, but, its more of a carb, I guess.. I eat it because we love it so!

    A stir fry is a good way to cook onions, peppers, zuchini, mushrooms, etc. I just slice up some chicken breast, add veggies and saute (I use low sodium soy sauce.. I know it's still high in sodium, but we use it sparingly)

    What about in soup. I make veggie soup in the crock pot with lean ground beef, a bag of frozen vegetables, canned tomatoes, and a little broth. My whole family loves it that way!
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    oh and another thing - i put a couple cups of spinach into my fruit smoothies in the morning with a little peanut butter. i can't taste the spinach at all! it gets masked behind the fruit flavors. here's my recipe:

    2.5 cups spinach
    .5 cup water
    .5 cup almond milk
    1 tablespoon peanut butter
    1 cup frozen blueberries
    .5 cup frozen strawberries
    1 whole banana

    so good!!!

    I am going to try this.... Thanks!
  • lavlei
    lavlei Posts: 26
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    On top of disguising vegetables you can put yourself on an attitude modification plan (and I don't mean that rudely, it's just what my mum always called it!).

    Tell yourself that you don't dislike vegetables, appreciate their bright colours, when you're eating them try to see positive things in veggies any way you can ("hey! the texture of these carrots is nice and crunchy" or "I love the bright green of this spinach, I want a dress in this colour!" find ANYTHING positive and repeat it to yourself). The idea is to reprogram yourself to associate positive things with vegetables (or exercise or whatever).

    Dragging your feet and reminding yourself that you hate vegetables (or exercise or whatever) isn't going to make it easier, but trying to reset your mental outlook on them can help!
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    I love to roast veggies and it is insanely easy.

    One of my favorites to roast is zucchini. chop, put it a pan with a little bit of oil salt pepper and roast in oven at around 350 (or higher)... I also like to add cherry tomatoes, and onions in there. you can add whatever!

    Some times I put some pasta sauce and mozzarella cheese on the veggies and put it back in the oven to melt the cheese. yum!
  • Here is my veggie staple. Takes a little prep time but if you make a huge batch at the beginning of the week you'll have plenty enough for 3-4 days. The batch below will generally provide 10 - 12 servings. Also, you can swap different veggies as desired.

    Rinse and repeat:

    1-2 Red Onion
    3-4 Peppers (Red, yellow, orange, green)
    1-2 Large containers whole mushrooms
    3-4 Heads of fresh broccoli
    2-3 Fresh Zucchini
    2-3 Fresh Squash
    1 - 2 Small Bags Carrots (Sliced diagonally)
    3-5 cloves fresh garlic
    2-3 tbsp fresh ginger
    4-6 tbsp of both Coconut Oil and Toasted Sesame Oil
    Bragg's Liquid Aminos (Tasted like Soy Sauce but all natural...check the Whole Foods section)
    Sprinkle salt and pepper on top

    Slice, dice, all of that and heat at 400 to your desired tenderness. Keep the Bragg's handy as you can use more as needed if the pan starts to dry out. NOTE: I use a large broiling pan when making this much so if you don't have this you may need 2 smaller pans or cut ingredients in half.

    Usually serve with either Quinoa or Brown Rice. I also make a Protein fresh daily to go along with it.
  • localatte
    localatte Posts: 78 Member
    I"m not a fan of theirs either. But, I am getting at least 3 cups a day by hiding them. Here are my go-to's:

    * Baby Spinach- It has no taste when you put it in a smoothie. I stuff 2 cups of baby spinach, with half banana,and maybe some berries, into a blender, and it's yummy w/o the taste of veggies. Look up "Green Monster" recipes online. Some people add yogurt, etc.

    *Buy, look up online, or go to your library and find books for children that are "fussy" eaters, etc. They show you how to make all sorts of foods packed with veggies that a child (or you) won't detect. I like "The Sneaky Chef" she has a book, and a fabulous website.

    Good luck!
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    If you have a deficiency or health problem your sense of taste could be off. If you're a sugar or carb addict that could also be messing you up. It's also common for "fresh" produce in stores to not be very fresh, and therefore kinda yucky.

    If you get really fresh, ripe, high quality produce it should be extremely tasty and pleasurable without doing anything fancy to it. If it isn't something's wrong- but it's fixable if you're motivated.