I HATE vegetables!



  • sarah6336
    sarah6336 Posts: 108 Member
    I find vegetables are more appealing when they are fresh and high quality. Have you tried going to a farmer's market for fresh, natural produce? It tastes better than what is in the supermarket. I usually have mine plain, but I get the produce from a farm co-op. Also, I grow my own herbs and a few vegetables. Food processor helps with the prep. I use mine several times a week.
  • rosiecotton24
    rosiecotton24 Posts: 81 Member
    Not complaining... just asking for ideas to make veggies more platable. No complaints ... just truly seeking ideas. And, by the way, I don't eat fast food or anything loaded with sugar. Just not a fan of the texture and taste of veggies.

    I don't like many veggies either. Basically, I like peas, corn, potatoes and lettuce. :laugh:
    I have moved from ice burg lettuce, to romaine, to spring mix. I also can eat the itty bitty teeny tiny carrots- still don't care for the bigger ones.
    A lot of it is texture for me too. I'm just going to keep trying them and hopefully learn to like more and more.
  • steveman99
    steveman99 Posts: 27
    I buy frozen cauliflower and I like it with spaghetti sauce and Parmesan cheese. I copied it from one of my friends diaries. I'll try anything once. But this I like.
    That actually sounds like it will taste very good. I just bought some cauliflower and I am going to give that a whirl.!
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    I used to be the same way. I started with chinese stir fry. A little sauce can go a long way with some nice crisp veggies. Making your own salsa and add it to some lean steak or chicken tacos. You can add lots of veggies in there. I make a killer veggie lasagna too. You just need to try different ways of cooking them to adjust the texture of flavor to your palate. You'll find taht as get used to them one way there will be more and more ways you'll like them. Good luck!
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    Also, try pinterest for recipes. You can do a lot. Zucchini chips (and sweet potato). Zucchini and carrot fries. Oven roasted broccoli and asparagus, etc.
  • Copperycat
    Copperycat Posts: 215 Member
    I concur with other MFPers that roasting in aliitle olive is the way to go. Tastes amazing.

    Also, I add lots of veg to soups and stews, whatever I have in the fridge - just bung it in :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I used to hate them to but I learned to like them over time.Ive been bbqing mine.I put them in some tin foil with a little olive oil and some spices and wrap itup and toss on the grill.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    You can also create your own hummus and dip celery into it.

    Cucumber, tomato, minced garlic, and soy sauce also does the trick.
  • amychantel
    amychantel Posts: 52 Member
    Roasting makes almost anything tast amazing! Mix your veggies with a bit of olive oil, a little salt, maybe some red pepper flakes, thrown them in the oven and enjoy.

    This! ^^^
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Roasting makes almost anything tast amazing! Mix your veggies with a bit of olive oil, a little salt, maybe some red pepper flakes, thrown them in the oven and enjoy.

    This! ^^^

    Agreed....I roast, or grill, almost all veggies....toss in olive oil sprinkle with Montreal Steak Seasoning (yep, it is totally good!) stick 'em in the oven or on the grill until slightly browned. :glasses:
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    I wasn't much of a fan of vegetables, either, but I wanted to learn to like them. I started going to the farmers' market, and now go every week. Veggies are SO much better when you eat them fresh.

    When we moved into our house six years ago, we started a vegetable garden. There's something so satisfying about eating what you grow. Now I throw veggies in wherever I can - especially tomatoes and yellow squash. I love to saute them with chicken in a little white wine and chicken broth, and serve over a tiny bit of pasta (about 1/2 cup) that's been mixed with fresh spinach.

    Green beans and carrots are two other favorites, and again, are much better when fresh.

    Everyone who has recommended roasting is absolutely right. I even like brussels sprouts when they've been roasted with olive oil.
  • mwestmount
    mwestmount Posts: 40 Member
    Agreed, cauliflower and broccoli, chopped up and roasted under the broiler, brings out the natural sugars that caramelize.

    But I have to say peppers are my favorite. Red, orange, yellow and purple are sweeter than the green ones. They are fabulous raw and even better grilled on the BBQ. Very little work involved, you just cut them in half clean out the seed and throw them on the grill beside what ever you are cooking for dinner.

    But if you really want to fall in love with vegetables, grow them. The ones you buy in a store or even a fresh market have been sitting around for days, been shipped in trucks and what ever. They lose vitamins and taste. Veggies can be grown anywhere. In a pot on an apartment balcony or in a garden in a yard. Cherry tomatoes, radishes, peppers. I have even grow potatoes in a bucket. It is really satisfying in so many ways.
  • BitteOrca
    BitteOrca Posts: 74 Member
    someone mentioned above but i will repeat--roasting veggies is to me, the tastiest way to eat them. DO NOT use frozen--they will turn to mush. chop up your veg (any root vegetable like beets, carrots, squash, and brocolli, cauliflower, kale), mix with a little bit of olive oil, S&P and whatever seasoning you like (i usually like chili flake, cumin and coriander) and put them on a cookie sheet for up to half an hour in a HOT oven--like at least 400 degrees F. shake them a few times while they're cooking so they don't burn in one place. to me, this is like veggie candy!
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    Juice 'em. Use the juice to make smoothies.
    Some of the methods I'm seeing here make it almost pointless to eat the veggies at all. If you're going to destroy the nutritional value, or coat them in sugar and/or fat, I personally would just not bother. I happen to love veggies, but if I didn't I'd hide them raw in smoothies. Good luck!
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I hate veges too :(

    But I found a recipe on here somewhere for a pizza using cauliflower in the base and I love it.

    I do a small bowl full of frozen cauliflower and broccoli in the microwave for 6 minutes.

    Put it in the food processor and munch it up. Into a tea towel and squeeze out as much water as I can. Then an egg white and 1/2 a cup of mozzarella cheese. Mix it up and then spread as thin as you can on baking paper, and bake until it is golden brown.

    Then top with pizza sauce, I put baby spinach leaves, lean salami and a tiny bit of feta cheese, then lightly sprinkle with mozzarella. Bake in the oven until every thing is melty

    Works out -depending on cheese etc 300-400 cal I have it for dinner and I'm not hungry later
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    OOO, I love veg, love brussel spouts and parnips, mmmm nom nom. But I didnt use to love them when i was younger, you know what they say its a aquired taste, I would just try eating them more and you will get used to them, I sometimes have chicken with peppercorn sauce and the sauce is youm for the veg.
  • mwestmount
    mwestmount Posts: 40 Member
    LOL, when my daughter was little she used to dip cooked broccoli in ketchup!

    Point is you gotta find your thing, so try some of these wonderful suggestions, even if is seems weird to you, something may click for you.
  • LDM90
    LDM90 Posts: 24
    I wouldn't be a huge fan of veggies either. Try brocolli in with pasta and sauce or in curries, you can't really taste them that way. Or season them well if you're having them with no sauce. : )
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    I am not a big vegetable person. (Not including spuds of course!)
    I've tried a few different recipes now, where veggies are the main ingredient and was shocked when I loved them.
    A few things I've tried:
    Zucchini Pizza- Slice a courgette/zucchini in half, coat with a little oil and grill both sides until soft. Spread with tomato paste, season with some dried oregano and basil. Add toppings : ham, peppers, mushroom, pepperoni, cheese - anything you would put on a normal pizza. Cook in oven until cheese is melted. Really filling, simple and quick. I was surprised at how good this was- I hate Zucchini!
    Stuffed Portobello mushrooms- Broiled/ Cooked under a grill , stuffed with cooked sausage (take the sausage out of the casing and brown in a pan), onion, 1/2 cup tomato sauce, spinach, basil, parsley and cheese. So good, also quick and easy.
    Sweet Potato fries- I wouldn't eat these all the time, but much better than eating white potato fries. You can find tons of recipes by googling. My favourite is adding paprika, garlic powder, pinch of cayenne and mixed herbs.
    There are so many ways to dress veggies up and make them more exciting. I really look forward to my veggie dinners now.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    thanks for this post !! I not a huge vegetable fan,... but not a fan of cooking either so I kinda do the raw thing. This way i found I could eat peppers /sweet peas/rocket etc but it will probably never taste "good" to me just "good for me".

    Hopefully my taste buds will change and I will learn to like 'em. May try the jucing recipes mentions as I love fruit and disgusiing veggies this way may be the way forward.