I have just done day 1 of the 60 day Bodyshred plan (omg what was I thinking
I am looking into doing a course near me. I've never done it but for anyone who says its not a workout just look at this! Wonder how many years it will take me to be able to do this, lol - prob never! :)
Hello everybody! Just wanted to say thank you for all your ideas and help. I try to drink around 8 cups of water a day and exercise 5 days a week. I still don't eat breakfast and i still have a few sweets in the evening. I am staying under my calorie goal most days (birthdays etc can't really be helped) and usually have…
Because you only have so many calories to use. I preferred to use the calories on choc/sweets rather than milk and cereal.
From replies i've been getting it seems this and not eating breakfast are the main problems, as well as possible water weight. Thanks all! I'm feeling like i may be able to get some weight loss happening :)
Thanks for all your input everybody, im getting a lot of ideas of thing i can change and try :)
Amandaj 1966 - Its a plan :) I'm not really a breakfast person but i had been eating raisen wheats everyday for a few months, but stopped when i started calorie counting because of the milk. Maybe i should start again.
My diary is now available to see, didn't realise it wasn't public. I do have food scales and weigh everything. Have fry light instead of oil and dont drink tea/coffee. I have been counting chocolate, maybe i should eat more savoury food to fill those cals instead?
Hmm, i dont have one. How do you know what your target heart rate is?