Exercise + calorie count but no weight loss, suggestions?



  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    @SideSteel. I disagree.. Fried foods and too much sugar will wreak havoc on any weight loss goals therefore the TYPE of fuel used is as important as the AMOUNT.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    What exercise are you doing? Duration, intensity etc?

    What has your sodium intake been like? It's not important, but can cause fluctuations on the scale. Edit: Now I see your diary is open, your sodium intake is usually quite low but it does fluctuate quite a bit. Than can cause scale weight fluctuations.

    You're not that overweight so insulin resistance is an unlikely culprit, thusly your sugar intake is rather irrelevant to weightloss. Drinking more water has no bearing on weightloss. Thyroid is Dr. only territory. Calorie intake could be a culprit - do you weigh your food? How are you calculating exercise calories, do you eat them back?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Well you really aren't eating healthy.
    1) You aren't eating breakfast. Eat some fruit, eggs, or at least drink some milk.
    2) You're eating chips and fried food. NO! No wonder you aren't losing weight. You should be eating fruits,veggies, lean meats (turkey, fish, chicken.) And no not fry, broil, or grill. and stay away from sweets and junk.
    1) Citations for the importance of meal timing?
    2) Do you believe that eating fried foods at a caloric deficit prevents weight loss?
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    @SideSteel. I disagree.. Fried foods and too much sugar will wreak havoc on any weight loss goals therefore the TYPE of fuel used is as important as the AMOUNT.

    I've lost 57 lbs. eating fried food and sweets sometimes by dieting alone. Wasn't able to exercise much until recently due to medical reasons. If I feel the urge to have a treat and have the calories and other macros available, I eat what I want. It has worked so far.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Well you really aren't eating healthy.
    1) You aren't eating breakfast. Eat some fruit, eggs, or at least drink some milk.
    2) You're eating chips and fried food. NO! No wonder you aren't losing weight. You should be eating fruits,veggies, lean meats (turkey, fish, chicken.) And no not fry, broil, or grill. and stay away from sweets and junk.

    Broiling and grilling are two of the best ways to cut fat and end up with really amazing, flavorful food. I can't imagine why these methods would be on anyone's list of things to avoid.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Check out the book "Wheat Belly". I have been stuck at the same weight for months even with counting calories and exercising 5 times per week. Nothing has worked. Last week I read this book and decided to cut out wheat and gluten, and most sugars - eating only meat, dairy, and vegetables. I lost 2 lbs in a week. Definitely sticking with it!
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    Cutting back on fried foods and sugar will get you to your goal a lot faster and more efficiently. But hey, DO YOU! :)
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    @SideSteel. I disagree.. Fried foods and too much sugar will wreak havoc on any weight loss goals therefore the TYPE of fuel used is as important as the AMOUNT.

    I've lost 57 lbs. eating fried food and sweets sometimes by dieting alone. Wasn't able to exercise much until recently due to medical reasons. If I feel the urge to have a treat and have the calories and other macros available, I eat what I want. It has worked so far.

    It has worked for me too as long is within my calories goal. About sugar intake I dont mind to go over if they come mostly from fruit.
    Strict diets never work for the long run
  • Skiergal2
    Skiergal2 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi , I just looked at your dairy and it looks to me that you are not eating breakfast, just a vitamin pill. You need to spread your calories over the day instead of mainly mid to late in the day. I also noticed you have a lot of calories in unhealthy good. Good luck and keep trying.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    @SideSteel. I disagree.. Fried foods and too much sugar will wreak havoc on any weight loss goals therefore the TYPE of fuel used is as important as the AMOUNT.

    How exactly does that happen, unless you are referring to the fact that they are calorie dense and therefore more likely to put you over your calorie goal?
  • xina86
    xina86 Posts: 12 Member
    Amandaj 1966 - Its a plan :) I'm not really a breakfast person but i had been eating raisen wheats everyday for a few months, but stopped when i started calorie counting because of the milk. Maybe i should start again.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Weight loss is not linear and water weight can cause fluctuations and mask 'real' weight loss.

    Make sure you weigh all your food with a digital scale, and measure liquids, (as much as possible) and log everything, eat about 50 - 75% of your exercise calories back and be patient.
  • xina86
    xina86 Posts: 12 Member
    3 - drink more water. I don't know if you just aren't listing it in your journal or not, but this too is a topic you may want to read up on.

    I dont put my drinks into my diary (maybe i should start). I drink water throughout the day but probably not enough, maybe only 1 - 1 1/2 litres, then sometimes 1 large diet fizzy drink in the evening.

    You may also find one other tip helpful...
    4 - try interval eating. This last idea is the quirkiest & not something I've personally tried but I know some who swear by it. , It is a variation of the starvation mode mentioned in #2 above. It involves keeping your same caloric intake for the week, (i.e. 1200 x 7 for you), but changing the timing for eating them. To do this on 2 approximately equally spaced days reduce your calorie intake to @ 500, but on the other 5 days increase it to 1480 which would be the offsetting balance. The theory is that if spaced out over the 3 meals the 500 cal intake is still enough to keep your body from going into starvation mode, while it is acclimated to burning your normal 1480 which causes the weight loss on those 2 days.

    Best wishes & God bless.

    I have heard of this, my sister was talking about it. Could be worth a go.

  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.
  • xina86
    xina86 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all your input everybody, im getting a lot of ideas of thing i can change and try :)
    What exercise are you doing? Duration, intensity etc?

    I do a mixture of Tae Bo (although havn't done that recently due to pulling a quad muscle) and power hooping. Tae Bo is very intensive - kicking, punching, high cardio - and hooping is less impact but more toning and strengthening muscle work.

    Calorie intake could be a culprit - do you weigh your food? How are you calculating exercise calories, do you eat them back?

    I weigh food on kitchen scales then look them up in app or work it out from back of packet.
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    When I am stuck in a plateau I realize it's because I am not recording foods and exercise accurately. Like many people, I overestimate calories burned through exercise and underestimate what I eat.

    Remember what my mom calls those "BLTs" ... bites, licks, and tastes ... they can easily add a few hundred calories without one realizing. Also remember that 90% of weight loss is what you put in your mouth ... so be sure you are absolutely faithful to the food tracker.

    Good luck!

    I love that quote from your mom! BLT. She's so right about that! :)
  • scary low protein intake. Unless you are a toddler. (weigh 30lbs)

    Cut the candy
    Cut the fried foods (which sound like they are also processed)
    UP your protein to adult levels
  • xina86
    xina86 Posts: 12 Member
    That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.

    From replies i've been getting it seems this and not eating breakfast are the main problems, as well as possible water weight.
    Thanks all! I'm feeling like i may be able to get some weight loss happening :)
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Well you really aren't eating healthy.
    1) You aren't eating breakfast. Eat some fruit, eggs, or at least drink some milk.
    2) You're eating chips and fried food. NO! No wonder you aren't losing weight. You should be eating fruits,veggies, lean meats (turkey, fish, chicken.) And no not fry, broil, or grill. and stay away from sweets and junk.

    I disagree, you don't have to eat breakfast to lose weight and be healthy. I've never eaten breakfast, ever. Also, if you're just looking to lose weight, you can eat anything you want within your daily calories, it doesn't matter, you will lose weight. If you're looking to gain muscle then you cut down on the carbs and up the protein more.

    I'm not saying she should be stuffing herself with sugars and bad foods all the time, but I've found when people are trying to lose weight if they don't allow themselves some of that food, they go on a binge and eat a lot and then feel like $h%# and get discouraged. I'd much rather them eat some of those sugary treats they enjoy while they're staying within their daily calories than to blow it all binging.

    As for not losing weight at 1200 calories. What exercising do you do? Sometimes if you mix it up and change things a bit you start losing again. Your body gets use to what you're doing and things get easier with the same old routine, it doesn't push you as it use to to work harder, burning more.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    You don't have to eat breakfast if it doesn't suit you. It's not a deal breaker when it comes to weight loss. In theory, if you are eating at a deficit and recording everything correctly you should be losing weight.

    You diary is a bit sweety-tastic lol. I love food like that, but I found the more sugar I have in my diet the more I crave it. I cut back and I don't want it any more. You will find you will get more food for the calories if you eat more natural foods. For someone like me who likes to eat a lot this is a better option. You may or may not be the same I don't know.

    There are plenty of people on here that have lost weight by eating what they want as long as they stick to their deficits. Don't let people force their way of eating on you, if you want to eat sweets and can still lose then good for you. It's about finding what works and is sustainable for you, not what people tell you you should be doing by their standards.