

  • It is a battle from some point we have to figure out what is most important to us. And why we want to lose weight. It can't just be to wear nice clothes or to be like someone else, because we will never keep it off doing this method of weightloss. It is truly a spiritual battle, and all about how bad you want…
  • So weigh in starting tomorrow. Try to update daily, and give a daily word of encouragement if you have one. NAME????
    in Teams?? Comment by chenders January 2009
  • Well some of the other teams have "color" names. But we should be different, and I vote Friday weigh-ins with this Friday being the first. We can add a new topic just for our group, that way we can keep each other encouraged. I need to lose about 30 pounds myself, and would like to run a 5k this summer.
    in Teams?? Comment by chenders January 2009
  • What are the teams about??? I would like to join one.
    in Teams?? Comment by chenders January 2009
  • I have been doing a total body conditioning workout for the last two months and I am not seeing much of a difference. Any ideas on how I should change my workout? Should I incoroporate more cardio? Any ideas of snacks that keep you full?
  • Thank you for the info. I will visit that site.:smile:
  • I am running my first 5k next month. Any suggestions on how often (how long) I should be running at this point?
  • New to this...need support with over eating. Any suggestions??? I am running a marathon in a month.(5k)
    in Wssup Comment by chenders April 2008