MarieFroz Member


  • You Are BEAUTIFUL! Congrats, good work and luck for the marathon!
  • I hope you're going well , and good luck with these busy days :-)
  • Made my fitness test... Weight : 57 / 58.6 / 58.1 (I barely loose weight, as I had 2 weeks less effective when my mother was here) * burpees = 14 / 12 / 14 * push ups (on toes) = 12 / 14 /20 * crunches = 32 / 41 /53 * alternate lunges = 27 / 32 / 37 * plank (on toes) = 45 secs / 65 sec / 75 sec * jump squats = 18 / 19 / 20…
  • Hello! Have you made your 8 week check-in? :smiley:
  • Hi all, Happy to see you Skim! I hope you are alright. You fell because of all your activities? Do you plan to go back on tracks, or maybe wait that everything is quieter? For me, I am still following the challenge, strictly for workouts, not strictly for eating... Who else is here???
  • Hi! 4'9. SW 143lbs/ CW 128 / GW 105 :)
  • Hi all, I'm so sorry I was not here these last weeks; my mum was here in March, and I didn't have so many times as we were out all day long and I can go on the forum only from my computer. Congratulations PJ for the 11cm loss!!! That's awesome! Were did you lost these 11cm? Skim, I hope you are less busy now? Have you made…
  • Hi Girls! Thanks for your message Skim, I'll continue exercices... I've decreased a little bit the weight for leg press and will add some leg lunges for glute exercices... Hope it will work and will not have big big thighs in 12 weeks :-) Stretching I was thinking of adding a program of stretching in the evening 3 times a…
  • Hi everybody, I hope you all are alright! Skim, I was wondering the same about videos, I'd like to have some videos workout but can't find something I like or that is not just a trial and I have to pay to see entirely... PJ, I hope you feel better, and you were so strong with the pavlova! Lou, are you still hungry?! Week 1…
  • And here are the results of my fitness test... * burpees = 14 * push ups (on toes) = 12 * crunches = 32 * alternate lunges = 27 * plank (on toes) = 45 secs * jump squats = 18 * chin up = 2 Not very shinny... But I am happy for push ups, 2 months ago I was unable to do more than 4 on toes, and chin up unable to do even 1...…
  • Hi! Good to have some lecture, yes, 81 days to go... :D I've made a 2 sheets home made calendar for the length of the challenge. If I succeed in sport, I cross the square, if I succeed in food I make a "V", and I make a smiley with my feeling of the day. Sounds like scholar but visual things help a lot :-) Plans for today…
  • Oh no! I just lost my message, a long one... :( Thanks Peejaygee! Anyway, I found the composition of Maxine and it is better than my actual protein powder as the first ingredient is Protein Isolate and doesn't contain Soy Protein. As there is a shop superdiscountsupplements at Bondi Junction I think I'll go next week. If…
  • Happy to see you all, hope you are well! First day of the challenge, and I'm so excited too Sorry if I was absent of this forum, I rarely use MFP with the computer, and from the phone it's a nightmare to find the forum (now registered as favorite)... ***First impressions*** So i've tried last week to follow the Maxine's…
  • Hi everybody! I'll start officially on Monday the programm, even it's said by the 22nd However, I think I will not buy complements, as I still have some in an other brand for at least 2 weeks and I like it. But maybe later? Your price sounds good peejaygee That everybody starts well! Just to know who you are all, may give…
  • Thanks Skim for explanations! Yes I'm in! I train already quite everyday and except my crazy last week, I eat healthy. Is the diet hard to follow? I mean, is it very restrictive in calories? I eat 5400kJ per day, and don't want to eat less. One last thing, I saw on the website you can see the photos of people when you look…
  • I don't know exactly what it is as a new Aussie, but I'm in! I need some extra motivation... I've looked for the group on Maxine website but can't find, did I miss something?