pennyjlm Member


  • I'm in! SW: 174.4 GW: 154.4 BOOMSTICK
  • Bump for the afternoon crowd.
  • OP - I'm a 5'10" woman trying to eat around the 1600-1700 mark. My average cals in over the last 60 days have been 1,800, so I'm a little over that when I average in my weekends and higher days. My average cals-out over that time has been about 2,244 per day. (this is just my fitbit reading) My total net deficit has been…
  • Thank you for the response. I will check out the Starting Strength and Stronglifts.
  • Ok so maybe the 900 day was too low... Just didn't have time that day to eat as much. But I thought by calcing my TDEE (2200) and taking off 20% to get to the 1760 goal I was already baking in my exercise and therefore didn't need to subtract that/add that again??
  • I've been tracking my cals and weighing much more detailed 5 days straight now! On to the weekend which will be my challenge. I was excited to weigh myself this morning, but my bathroom scale was wonky - i stepped on it 3 times - 170#, 168.8#, 157#, ---- ok then I knew something was wrong! Changed the batteries and it said…
  • Ok, so my TDEE is approx 2200. So 20% off of that makes my calorie goal 1760. Protein goal of 138G, Fat 62G, Carbs 184G (Seems high since I've been trying to do under 100G since I can't remember how long!!) I'm going to focus on measuring every food on my food scale again for awhile to get used to the quantities again. I'm…
  • I LOVE YOU ALL. :love: Seriously, I just feel like I've been restricted by so many rules for the last 1-2 years and I've gotten NOWHERE. So I am going to take it back to the basics. Why shouldn't I be allowed to eat an apple if I'm hungry mid-afternoon right? I'm 5'11'', 172 pounds, 24.5% BF, 36% muscle (?) (digital…
  • JaneiR36, thank you for those links! I suppose my weighing / measuring was not nearly as accurate as it can be. I've always kind of figured a few calories here and there wouldn't matter enough to add up to anything substantial, because if I overestimate on a few things and don't measure a few it would balance out. But I am…
  • Thanks for the reply! 1. I do use a food scale and measuring spoons for most things. Why do you say it looks like I'm not? Just curious. 2. Yes I entered the black bean burger myself, but good point. Def have to evaluate the nutrition on things in the database.
  • Opened my food diary. Thank you!