20 lbs before Christmas



  • I would like to lose 20 lbs by Christmas as well. Count me in
  • karenmcwilly53
    karenmcwilly53 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • jeninthed
    jeninthed Posts: 20 Member
    Where should we post our updates? On this thread?
  • Hi! Sure thing, I'm in!
  • ameliafaith
    ameliafaith Posts: 55 Member
    I would like to jump in on this one too.
    Currently-. 188
    Goal weight by christmas - 168

    Trying to lost weight from getting married and having a baby.... He is 6 months old and I dont want to be one of those moms who uses baby weight as an excuse
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    hi there...I actually made this my goal about a week ago :) I lost 1.4 lbs this past week :) So, 18.6lbs to go. I would love to join in on this challenge...so, please count me in!
  • StacyMccauley
    StacyMccauley Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in!
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
    I would love to join this challenge. I set up a group in April and lost 20lbs in just over 3 months. I have had a break for 3 months but would love to finish the last leg of my weightless journey and loose about 15lbs. Count me in. :smile:
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    My goal is actually to lose 26lbs before the end of 2014. I have a lot of weight to lose, so I know I can do this!

    I'm in for the challenge if you'll have me :) Cheers!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    I don't know if a full 20 is realistic, probably closer to 15. Doing kickboxing and BJJ now, as well as walking at least 15 miles a week and the occasional run.

    CW: 164.5
    GW by Xmas: 150
    Bonus if I hit 145
  • pennyjlm
    pennyjlm Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!

    SW: 174.4
    GW: 154.4

  • kokorae
    kokorae Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in! I'm Nyko.

    SW: 168 lbs
    GW: (by Christmas): 148 lbs
    How I plan to reach my goal: Weight lifting (free weights) 3x per week, Intermittent Fasting (20/4 hr) + Clean eating, and Sprint/Jumprope HIIT routines 3x/wk.
  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    I'm in as well! I need to lose about 16-17 pounds...but close enough!

    H: 5'7"
    SW: 165
    CW: 140
    GW: 123

    I am starting a new diet today with IdealShakes as well, I'm so excited to be in this with you all! Won't it feel so good to be at our goals January 1st while everyone else is making a mad dash to the gym? ;)
  • ladyrhodes2
    ladyrhodes2 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! We can do this!!!!
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    I want in!!


    Weight by 12/25/2014: 137

    Woop that would be amazing!

  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm in! I would actually only like to lose 10lbs by Christmas though.

    CW: 145
    GW: 135

    I'm 5'6''
  • I'm in as well. I don't know if it will work but one can always try


    Hopefully with healthy eating and swimming, zumba, and other activities I can do this.
  • stassart70
    stassart70 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm SO in for this!

    SW: 180
    GW: 160

    Starting a 6 week bootcamp challenge here shortly so I hope that helps me along!
  • I'm In
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    I'd love to join in as well. I've gained so much weight back this past year and I'd like to start 2015 20 pounds lighter!