Tracy9377 Member


  • Cucumber?!? I went to an organic restaurant with some people from work a few weeks ago, and their water had a distinctive taste to it. It wasn't sweet, but it was really refreshing. I drank so much water that I had to get up three times during our afternoon meeting. I couldn't put my finger on that flavor. I'll bet it was…
  • Props to you for being in league with the young single girls after you've been married for a while with two kids! What that trainer did shows that he's a jerk - but it also shows that you still got it!!
  • Hopefully they've washed them. I can only imagine what that must smell like!
  • I love the aerobics classes at my gym - and the instructors are absolutely magnetic ... but the room where they hold classes has one wall that's a window and looks out to the circuit training room. When you're in a class, your back is to this window. You forget that it's there. Until you turn around to see at least six old…
  • We're Americans! Being over-indulgent is becoming part of our culture. I think it's very on topic. Changing that aspect of our culture comes with disciplining ourselves and our children. It starts on the individual level.
  • I agree that there are probably a lot of factors here, but poor boundaries in parenting is DEFINATELY a majot player. Eating disorders don't exist in a vacuum. They're accompanied by other issues - usually insecurity and anxiety. I would be surprised if she didn't have some kind of significant trauma in her history. But,…
  • I don't think I would respect a man who always made me break the silence, and let me pursue him instead of him pursuing me. I want a man who initiates and acts like a man, because I want to be his partner rather than his mother. I was concerned about this with my husband for a while, but when I gave him space to respond,…
  • What a brat!! She sounds really insecure. By not getting reactive or becoming intimidated, you are refusing to give in. Good for you! Anyone can lose weight, and all it takes is money to dye hair and buy new clothes. There's no fixing a nasty personality. It's very encouraging that your husband isn't caught up in it. Does…
  • Women are really good at dwelling and ruminating - we're not so good at relaxing. There's the problem - when women have a problem, we engage and tackle it --- when men have a problem, they retreat to their "cave" to find a solution. I have been reading "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" (I know it's cliche', but…
  • When I started, I wanted to lose my pooch, and the extra "thickness"; and gain muscle tone in my arms. I now have toned arms and great abs, but I lost my butt and boobs too - bummer! Hmm ... maybe I can buy a replacement set (jk).
  • I think some women like it because they feel self-conscious at the gym. A hard workout only makes movie stars more sexy - the rest of us get tired, sweaty, and red-faced. Being told that we look good when we feel like wet noodles is a huge boost.
  • It sounds like she didn't say **** off because you were creepy or rude - she said it because she's rude. Even if a guy is creepy, or you're not interested, you should always politely decline first. Save the "**** off" for the real jerks who won't take "no thank you". People like that poison the well for the rest of us. My…
  • I can eat one of those for lunch, and then eat lunch. They look great on the package, but I didn't find them filling or satisfying - maybe they would be, if I ate like 2 or 3 ... but then I would be negating the low calorie benefit. Without that, it's just a mediocre, salty, TV dinner.
  • Wow! You look beautiful. You were beautiful with the extra 50 lbs, but now you're really a head-turner... and I'll bet you feel better too. Great job! That was a lot of work.
  • I love your sense of humor!
  • This is one of the most thoughtful and analytical posts I have seen in a while - very balanced, logical, and concrete description of a foggy concept. I hope a lot of people read it. Props!!
  • Oops .. I hit reply before I was done --- anyhow, I'm glad to see that you are being positive. That will get you a long way. I wish you the best - God Bless!
  • HaHa! Jerk faces are easy to find, and hard to get rid of - I am 30 years old (actually, I'll be 30 in 3 months, and I'm trying to get used to saying it.) I just married my second husband one year ago tomorrow. He's definately not a jerkface, but I had to kiss a lot of frogs to find him. I have dropped about 30 pounds…
  • I heard that stuff was made from pregnant deer urine ... is that true?
  • The breakfast cereal myth is terrible! Filling yourself with empty calories leaves you hungry in no time, and more prone to binge later on. It's good to have at least 10-20 grams of protein for breakfast, but most cereals have less than 5. In the commercials, they advertise that their cereals are "Part of a complete…
  • I eat 5-6 small meals each day. I'm hypoglycemic, so it keeps my blood sugar at a steady level. Still, people without hypoglycemia can have blood sugar peaks and crashes. Food that you consume which is above what you need at the moment will be stored as fat - no matter how your pancreas works. Eating more frequently will…
  • You obviously had a lot of obstacles growing up. Divorce is never ideal, and it's always two sided. I'm glad to see that you are expressing your feelings. You have so much anger, although I'm sure it's justified. I had a woman at church who told me that I should stop being angry at my ex (I'm divorced too, but I never had…
  • Thanks - wow -- it sounds like your situation is more difficult than mine - just in a different way. I have gained a new respect for step-parents.
  • He's usually right there with me. They do need discipline. It seems like we spend more time enforcing punishments than anything else. We tried charging them money for misbehaving, we tried taking priveleges (that worked out to be arbitrary at best), we tried the reverse ("reward system"), we had them in counseling, we…
  • We have equal parenting time: one week on, one week off.
  • I made them the other day. They were awesome! I baked them in my step-daughter's heart-shaped silicone muffin mold. They were adorable. Thanks!!
  • I love the last thought in your post - that you will spread the wealth. My husband laughs when I go and tell people that they look nice. He says it's awkward and silly. He said I sound like an old lady - I told him old ladies are awesome, and I plan to become one some day. I told him he doesn't understand - and he doesn't,…